Chakra Chakra Chakra

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******** Sasuke: Hn. Just another update for your reading pleasures. Me: Enjoy :)


Eh? I felt a burning sensation on my wrist, I notice my tattoo of a tree is glowing. Kakashi and Minato-sensei look at it with curious eyes.

"That tattoo... it's linked with Mayuri's chakra. What's happening?" Kakashi asks with concern clearly evident in his tone. It angers me that he actually believes he is Mayuri's father.

"She isn't doing so well... Madara must be making this hard for her." The black zetsu attached to me answers. Kakashi's stare hardens and Minato-sensei looks at the ground, thinking hard about something. Myself being in deep thought touch the burning tree tattoo on my wrist, exerting my own chakra to it, meaning it would feed her. I know she is not going to die, but she will need this chakra because she still has to face me in this war.

"Naruto is in trouble too." Minato-sensei says. Madara must be enjoying himself out there. A few moments later we look up and see the familiar face of that Kazekage boy, flying in with a pink haired girl and the Naruto kid looking lifeless. Oh so the nine tails has been extracted...

I understood that Minato had to go heal his son but black zetsu had come up with a scheme to prevent that, and extract the other half of the nine tails. Right as Minato was transferring the nine tails chakra to Naruto, black zetsu crept up in the middle and absorb it, then retracted it back to my body. Suddenly Madara popped out of nowhere.

"Your daughter is quite stubborn. I'm here now though." Madara said in his new powerful sage form. Madara... I have to stop you.


I could hear the annoying shrieks of Karin beside me and sense the strange chakra of someone unknown, who could it be? I began to stir and my eyes opened slowly,

"AHHH!!! CLOSE YOUR EYES YOUR AMUGAN IS ON" I quickly closed my eyes again and tried to sit up, but it was impossible from some kind of weight on my broken ribs. I opened my eyes again with my amugan still on but not as powerful. I thought I was out of chakra, hmm maybe Daisuke healed me as I passed out and transferred his chakra. Hope he didn't waste his chakra on me.

"S-Suigetsu-kun?" I mumbled. What are they doing here? What happened?

"May-san... You're okay." He said in a low voice, beside him Karin was sobbing hysterically looking down at my body, Suigetsu's gaze followed hers.

"O-Orochimaru?! What are you doing here? Why are you guys here?" Orochimaru said nothing, simply staring at the weight on my body, holding me down. I bet he is here to hurt Sasuke, I seriously don't have the energy to fight this snake again. I finally grew tired of their staring, and then it hit me. What are they looking at? What is this weight on me? And where is Sasuke? I took a deep breath before peering down at myself, only to see Sasuke, no sense of chakra on him so I didn't know he was here. On the other side of me, that unknown chakra was Kabuto. My amugan flashed at him and I shot chidori needles at him. He was pushed back a little bit with a strange tube coming out of him, I noticed it was attached to Sasuke. I gently moved Sasuke out of the way, and painfully sat up with my hands ready to attack Kabuto.

"You... you won't die won't you? I will not let Itachi's efforts go to waste, nor Sasuke's. Since you still won't stay away from him, I am going to end you right now." I was ready to shoot an attack but Suigetsu yelled for me to stop.

"He is healing Sssasuke, Mayuri-ssan. He was giving him chakra." Orochimaru said. I glared at Kabuto who slowly got up and brushed himself off, coming closer to Sasuke in order to continue.

"Why?" I demanded, elevating Sasuke's head back on my lap.

"Itachi-kun's words and affection for Sasuke-kun pierced my heart. He cared for the both of you, and I know that if you had chakra at the time, you would have given your life up for Sasuke-kun."

"It's too late! You started this war!" Suigetsu retorted.

"You're right, but now I know who I am, and what I must do." I would have argued as well, but deep down I had hope.

"May-san, your own chakra is highly low. You seem to have some of the Prince of Ice, and that Uchiha Obito man's..." Karin said looking at me observantly, "Maybe you should get healed by Kabuto as well."

"I don't need it. Focus on healing Sasuke. I'm Mayuri god dammit I won't die." I snapped. What the hell did she mean by I have Obito's chakra? He is my blood father, does she mean it's similar to his? There is no way I could have got any chakra from him I never absorbed it. But I was right about one thing, Daisuke really helped me while I was out. I can't even thank him, or cry to him. I looked down at my stud whose chakra was slowly beginning to come back. Itachi-kun... I am sorry, Sasuke is fighting for his life because of I couldn't save him, and so is Naru-kun. I shouldn't have rushed to try and kill Madara instead of protecting Sasuke, I shouldn't have left Daisuke alone so I could fight Zetsu, I should have watched out for Kurama and Naru-kun.

"Sasuke... wake up, love. I'm still here, you promised. You promised you'd be with me..." I was beginning to sound like Karin who was also sobbing. I stroked his head and continued to coo him, I tried to gather my own chakra to speed the healing process for him but Orochimaru stopped me.

"If you do that, you're going to put yourself in danger, Mayuri-san. You just received chakra yourself, save it."

"Why are you here anyways?" I asked not taking my eyes away from Sasuke.

"My goals are Sasuke's goals. I mean no harm." I won't let my guard down, this war has been full of surprises so I am not taking any chance. I am barely ok with Kabuto being back here "helping" my boyfriend. I leaned over ignoring the pain from my cracked ribs, I planted butterfly kisses all over his face hoping he would somehow wake up and give me a hug.

"Hey... Duckbutt? Please come back now.." I sobbed holding him closer to my chest, "baby come back!"

******** I literally fought with internet all day to get this thing done. (Its 2:20 am now and I started at 2pm at noon) And I am so sad because it was short and ugh. I planned to do another chappy too but obviously if this one was so short, other ones not gonna happen. If you didn't already know, I am going by the anime because I love it. And so the next update will be when the next non-filler episode comes out, and literally... soooo many fillers have been holding me back, it's painful. I could go by the manga, but yeah not gonna xD Till next time, READ, VOTE, COMMENT :P

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