To Konoha

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******** Sorry for the really late update guys, school started -_- T_T But I will be trying to catch up :) I also thought of creating a modern Gaara Love Story and was going to start it weeks ago however, like I said before school started :/ So I will get started on that after posting this one. The new story probably won’t be up today though I will try my best to find more time. Thanks for the support and patience! Enjoy the chapter!


“Who are you?” I asked looking at a tall girl with blonde hair about the same length as mine so medium, she was tan but still paler than me, and had electric blue eyes.  I don’t know who she is obviously but I can she doesn’t really have a specific place to call home nor does she look that happy, she just showed up at or hotel room door and well here we are now.

“The fact that you don’t know who I am makes me hate you even more.” She said looking down at me with a deadly look.  Daisuke was just chilling on his bed watching TV,

“Who is pissed off chick at the door?!” he yelled. I didn’t reply to him and what he said seemed to anger this girl even more.

“Are you going to introduce yourself anytime soon your highness? I have to depart to Konoha soon.” I said looking at her straight in the eye. She growled and put a hand to her chest, and her nose up high.

“I am Hyuga Nori, I was in Orochimaru’s hideout with Sasuke-kun. I got out when Sasuke-kun killed Orochimaru-sama... I was the one showing him around and kind of being his guide around there. We were so close to kissing, but then he told me he is in love with some girl named Kurochi Mayuri. Let me tell you honey, I was pissed. After Sasuke-kun killed Orochimaru, he completely forgot about me and all that I have done for him! I made the outfit he was wearing for the past three years!!! So I followed him and his group and I think he knows I was following him, I am a pro at disguising my chakra by the way, and I can also see things from afar. I saw you and saw him recognize you to be that girl he loves. Ever since then I have been trailing behind you guys, waiting to confront you. Here I am!”

I stood there stunned looking at her with an unreadable expression, “You mean, you have been following us around? Well mainly me… for the past couple weeks?! That is soooo creepy!!!”

She snorted and placed a hand on her hips, and brought her face closer as she bent down to get to my level of height.

“I’m not a creep; I just needed to confront you.”

“Nope you’re a creep. Ok so now that you have confronted me, now what?” She sweat dropped and scratched the back of her head.

“I noticed you left Sasuke-kun, so that probably means you broke up and I can have him now.”

“Woah there, slow you’re roll, pretty girl. Sasuke isn’t the same, he isn’t seeking for love, and I care about him… I left that place for the best. It is best for me to have a break as well as use some support. If you think you can go ahead and get him for yourself good luck with that, cause that is far from his intentions.” As if she was a little girl who didn’t get the candy she begged her mom for, she groaned and ran her hand down her face.

“I don’t need your permission; I am just saying that he is mine. Nothing you say will make me go back, I don’t know if you remember but we almost KISSED.  If he would get himself in a situation like that while you guys were supposedly dating he was never true to you. Plus, you keep saying he changed, that is because you couldn’t change him and that made you fail to be his girlfriend. Just because you failed doesn’t mean every other girl will. I am being nice about this, besides you have a handsome fellow right there in your room. Don’t make this too hard, but move on.” She said putting her hand on my shoulder, I shook it off and glared.

“Fine, do what you want. Just remember that it won’t end well. Sasuke is planning to kill everyone, if you step in his way you will be his first victim.” I said slamming the door in her face. I went back to Daisuke who had all his stuff ready to go, this was our 3rd day at the hotel and now we are ready to leave. I ended up not talking to Gaara-kun yet because I know he is probably very busy with all the war preparations and stuff. I mean this is intense business.

“You go ahead and get ready, I will go get Hiro (Toshihiro) from his room.” I nodded and he walked past me. As I was putting things back in my bag I couldn’t help but have my mind wander to the stuff that the random Nori girl said, Sasuke really almost kissed her? Even though they didn’t kiss it still bothers me that they almost did. Also, what if she is right? I failed by letting darkness consume my boyfriend, and now I refuse anyone else to try by being his girlfriend. That’s because I really love him, but then what if I am not the one for him? Ugh whatever, whether he loves me the same way or not isn’t the problem. Even if I can’t do it as his girlfriend, then I will have to at least be his friend and get him back. The child hood friend I was many years ago.  

“Ready.” I called out, as I locked the doors and stood in the hallway waiting for the two boys. Soon enough they came out and locked the door as well, Toshihiro, Daisuke and I went down to the lobby and I handed the keys to the front desk girl, it took a lot longer to check out though since Daisuke can’t really help but to flirt with everyone. Once he was done with his Romeo moment, we walked out and ate at a sushi bar.

“We are running late, let’s just take carry out.” I suggested. We paid the workers and continued walking towards the gates of Suna. I looked back at the Kazekage tower and narrowed my eyes at it. The gaurds at the gates greeted us.

“Leaving already Mayuri-sama?” I gave them a small smile, “I have work to do. Thank you for letting us stay though.” I glanced back at the tower and Daisuke seemed to have caught my eyes wander.

“You know you could always go and talk to him.” He said smirking a bit. The second guard came in our conversation and said

“Actually, Kazekage-sama is at Konoha right now for the war. They are announcing company leaders and assembling shinobi. The war is very very soon, Mayuri-sama.” I nodded slowly processing the information.

“I will see him there. Thank you, bye for now.” I said nodding respectfully and walking past them. The two boys followed after me, I was in deep thought thinking about how the war is starting soon and how I have so much on my plate but don’t know where to begin. I don’t have much time either. The chomping noises Toshi was making while eating sushi pulled me out of my thoughts thankfully,

“Toshi, chew with your mouth closed,” I scolded. He pouted but obeyed. After a while I sped up and I could already hear the noises of people in Konoha and could even feel their presence. There are so many Shinobi, Shinobi from different villages.  I opened my eyes and they were in their Amugan form, I felt something zoom past me which shocked me a bit and happened to also activate my Sharingan.  I looked in shock in front of me to see Toshihiro running at the speed of lightning. Daisuke caught up to me and smirked,

“He is catching on isn’t he?” I couldn’t help but smile at that. I taught him well, and the potato method is quite effective.

“Sorry grandma but you were just a little too slow.” Toshihiro grinned at me while running backwards.

I gave him an amused look but grinned back, “I don’t mind a little race.” With that said I took off even faster and ran past them, it felt kind of nice giving my mind a break. Even though I am about to do some pretty intense stuff that I don’t even know what. I mean I don’t know what it is that I plan to do, but it is going to be intense for sure.

I stopped and the boys stopped as well when they got to where I was. We walked towards the Konoha gates where the noise level was extreme.

******** Till next time, READ VOTE COMMENT :P

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