The Rent

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Deku looked up sheepishly at the older blonde man who is his landlord. The handsome man always made Deku's heart race whenever he came around.

"Izuku, this is the second time you've missed paying your rent. When do you think you'll have the money to pay it?".

"Sorry sir. I got laid off last month and I've been trying to find a new job" Deku's cheeks were red with embarrassment.

Katsuki sighed running his fingers through his hair. "Look, I get that times are rough with this whole pandemic, but I need my tenants to pay on time so I can pay my mortgage on this building".

"I have an interview today. If it goes well I'll be able to pay you back soon".

"What do you expect me to do if you don't get the job?" Katsuki was fond of the cute shy young man. He honestly felt bad about this situation, but he had an apartment building to maintain.

Deku grabbed one of Katsuki's hands and looked him in the eyes. His face turning beet red. "I can pay you another way". His heart racing not able to believe what he had just said.

Katsuki's eyes widened wondering if this shy creature had just propositioned him. "What do you mean by that?".

"Don't make me say it".

"You're gonna have to clear things up Izuku. What did you mean by another way?".

Deku was staring at his feet not able to make eye contact anymore. "I'll...umm. I'll let you fuck me".

Katsuki coughed in surprise. This was something straight out of a porno. Could he really do that? Sleep with a tenant in exchange for rent?.

"You have any experience?" Katsuki asked. He wouldn't be surprised if the answer was no.

"A little" Izuku mumbled.

Katsuki loved the way those freckles stood out more when Izuku was embarrassed. Those gorgeous emerald green eyes flicked up from time to time, trying to guess what Katsuki was thinking.

"Fine, but I get to fuck you whenever and however I want".

'However he wants?'. Izuku's heart sped up at the mental picture of himself tied up to his bed while his landlord took him hard making him his love slave.

"Ok" his answer coming out more breathless than he intended.

Katsuki walked Izuku to his bedroom and tossed the greenette onto the bed. "Get naked. I want to see all of you".

Izuku felt like he could die from embarrassment. He had never been fully naked in front on anybody. The look Katsuki was giving him meant he was running out of patience. Deku removed his clothes and covered his privates with his hands.

Katsuki got naked and crawled on top of Izuku. His dick hard with excitement. "I want to fuck your face for a bit".


Katsuki gave no response. He moved up and held his cock down touching the tip to Izuku's lips. He opened up the small males mouth and sunk in half way. Deku's eyes shot open with surprise as Katsuki thrust in and out farther making tears spring in his eyes.

"Fuck this feels good" Katsuki growled pushing in one more time all the way before pulling out. Deku gasped for air.

"Do you have any lube? It will hurt if you don't".

Izuku grabbed the bottle off the nightstand. Katsuki spread it over his large member and crawled in between Deku's legs. He spread him wide and placed the tip at his tight hole.

"I'm not going to prep you. I want you walking around with a sore ass reminding you who you belong to".

Deku held onto Katsuki's shoulders waiting for the first painful thrust.

Katsuki pushed in the head gently. Deku gasped in pain. His nails digging in leaving prints in the blondes skin.

"I'm sorry. I can't hold back". Katsuki sunk his entire length in one go.

"OW! OW!" Deku cried trying to get away.

"I'm sorry babe. I'll go slower. Just relax". Katsuki kissed Deku softly, murmuring sweet nothings in his ear. Telling him how sexy he is. How his emerald eyes turn him on and how he dreamed of doing with with him.

Those words heated Deku's blood. He kissed Katsuki hard and thrust up his hips. "I'm ready now. You can move. Make me yours" he panted with renewed lust in his eyes.

"Fuck" Katsuki pulled out and thrust back in slowly.

"I said fuck me hard!" The change in Deku surprising Katsuki. A smirk appeared on his handsome face.

"You're gonna regret this". He pulled Izuku to the side of the bed and put his legs over his shoulders. Katsuki started pounding inside of the inexperienced young man who's curly green hair bounced with every thrust.

"Ah! Katsuki! So good!" Izuku grabbed his own cock and stoked it rapidly chasing that orgasm that was just around the corner.

"Cum for me slut" Katsuki growled. Hearing Katsuki call him that turned him on so much. Deku arched his back cumming on his belly.

"Fuck that's hot!" Katsuki sped up his breath leaving him as his orgasm ripped up his spine. He pulled out and laid down next to Izuku.

"Next time I get to choose the role play Nerd".

(Author's Notes: Since this was a role play, both of them knew what was going to happen. Katsuki adores his husband and would never hurt him, so Izuku's tush was well prepped beforehand) 

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