A Vampire's Bite

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The life of a slayer is tough. You have to sleep during the day and stay up all night until dawn. It's a pretty lonely existence too. You can't tell anybody about what you do. Who would believe me anyway? I can just imagine that conversation.

"Hello. I'm Izuku Midoriya and I'm a vampire slayer. And you? What do you do?".

The person would look at me like I belong in the nut house. No, I can't tell anyone nor can I be with anyone. If a vampire were to find out I care about someone that person would have a target on their backs.

I've been tracking a nasty bit of business who calls himself Dynamite. Stupidest name I have ever heard. Dynamite. Sheesh. He's the kind of vampire we call an Incubus. A male demon who sleeps with either male or female humans. In the case of Dynamite, he has sex with his victims before biting them.

This crimson eyed demon also doesn't kill his victims, but turns them. I've had to kill about 10 new turns in the past year! Thankfully new turns are pretty naive and don't have a clue about their abilities. Dynamite never sticks around to train them. Just turns them and leaves like a dead beat dad.

I need to stop him before he turns another poor soul. I've managed to track him to his lair and I've been watching him for the past two nights. So far he hasn't come out, but when he does I'll be there to lop off his head with my sword.

I hear something moving through the trees and my sensors are now on high alert. I'm about to unsheath my sword, when I feel a blow to the side of my head. Before I pass out I hear and oddly sensual voice.

"Hello slayer. Let's you and I have a little fun".

I woke up I don't know how much later with a throbbing headache and my arms over my head in chains. Shaking my head I look around for a way out. The only way out is through a door at the other side of the room. These chains are strong and I don't think I can get out of them. Shit. This isn't good.

"You're awake" a voice came from a dark corner of the room. "You've been tracking me for a while slayer. Tisk Tisk. You haven't been able to catch me yet and now I've managed to catch you instead. Tell me slayer, what shall I do with you?".

He sauntered over to me and I got my first good look at him up close. Of course he would be gorgeous. All Incubi are. His pale skin made his red eyes stand out even more than usual. His body is seductively perfect. Like he was made to give pleasure. His ice blonde hair stuck up, but still looked soft.

"OooHoo!" He laughed. "your heart is beating faster. Am I turning you on slayer?". He was mocking me, but I couldn't deny it and that pissed me off.

"I could never get hard for someone like you". I tried my best to sound disgusted.

"Is that a challenge?". I started to panic as he got closer and touched my thigh. His hand traveled back caressing my ass and squeezing it firmly. All I could do was glare at him and curse my body for responding. His other hand rubbed against my now hard erection and I involuntary moaned.

"Sensitive are we?" He chuckled. "That's perfect. How about I do whatever I want to you now. I promise you'll love it. They all do".

I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of a reply and closed my eyes thinking unsexy thoughts. Old people naked. The smell of liver and onions. I felt something cold against my cheek and knew what it was instantly. The cold metal of a blade.

"Open your eyes slayer. It's no fun if I can't see the humiliation in your eyes". I kept them shut tight.

"Very well. Have it your way". I felt my clothes being cut away from my body until I was fully naked. I was scared and incredibly vulnerable. I felt chains being hooked around my ankles making it so my legs could barely move. I opened my eyes when a gag was placed in my mouth."I can't have you biting me now. That's my job". He moved around my body checking me out from head to toe.

"Nice. You're very handsome. I think I'd like to keep you by my side forever".

Since I couldn't speak I hoped my eyes conveyed my message that said "Not a chance. I would rather die".

He grabbed my hair and forced my head back. His tongue licked up my neck all the way to my ear. He sucked on the tender flesh, for sure leaving a mark.I heard the rustle of clothes and opened my eyes to see that he was undressing. I felt my traitorous body respond to the sight of his full cock and ripped abs.

He walked over and did things to my body that I had only ever seen on Porn Hub. I was too far gone to resist. I gave in entirely to the passion that this vampire was bringing out of me. I don't know when he unlocked my arms and legs, but I remember holding him in my arms and kissing him firmly. He pushed me up a against a bed that I don't even remember being in the room. Belly down and hips in the air, he had his way with me. I lost count of how many orgasms I had.

I laid there panting from the strength of my last release when I felt him take me in his arms. I was too tired to resist. He was nuzzling my neck and that woke me up fast.

"Please don't!" I begged. Too late. His fangs pierced my neck. Tears rolled down my face. This is not the way I wanted to go. "Please don't" I begged again. I must have asked him to stop a millions times before I passed out.

It was daytime when I came to. My legs were weak and my neck hurt, but I was still me. He hadn't turned me! Why not? What changed his mind? I found a note next to a change of clothes.

"You're too beautiful to turn yet. I plan on doing it soon, but until then, catch me if you can"."I plan on it asshole! I vowed right then that I will never again know the feel of a vampires bite.

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