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Katsuki, Shoto and Kiri were gathered in their managers office along with one of their backup singers.

"I'm so sorry I have to bail right before the start of your tour, but my mom is in the hospital. She's going to need physical therapy after she gets out. My dad needs to work, so I'm the only that can be with her".

"There's no reason to apologize Aki. Shit happens. Just go take care of your mom. There will be plenty of tours in the future".

"Thanks Bakugo. That makes me feel much better" Aki smiled relaxing his shoulders. He was sure the volatile blonde was going to go ballistic on him.

Their manager, Aizawa, escorted Aki to the door and wished him good luck.

"Well guys, we need to find a replacement fast. Your tour starts in two days".

"You must have kept resumes from previous applicants Aizawa. Can't we look through those?". Shoto asked pointing towards his managers file cabinet.

"Unfortunately, not. My idiot secretary ruined them when he spilled coffee all over my desk" Aizawa shook his head. "That fool thought he saw a spider and came up with the brilliant plan to drown it with coffee".

Kiri couldn't help but laugh "Oh that Denki! If he's such a dunce, why do you keep him around?".

"Because he's my step son. I wouldn't hear the end of it from my wife if I fired him".

"Nepotism at its finest" Kiri chucked.

"Getting back to our current problem. We need to scout out new talent, but we really don't have the time".

"Oh!" Kiri snapped his fingers and pointed excitedly. "There's this guy who sings all of Bakugo's songs at this popular karaoke bar downtown. I've actually watched him perform. Dude" he said looking at Bakugo. "He has all of your moves down. He can even smirk like you".

"Is he any good, Shit for brains?" Katsuki asked in a bored voice.

"Yeah, he is. His voice is sweet and sexy. He seems kinda shy once he's off stage" Kiri's smile widened as he winked at Shoto. "He's cute AF too. He's got this green wavy hair and sparkling emerald green eyes. Oh! He has cute freckles on his cheeks too. His body is tone, but not super muscular, but that ass! Round perfection".

Shoto perked up at that. He's an ass man. "I want to meet him" he said breathlessly.

"I hope I don't get a call from Human Resources boys. We don't need a harassment lawsuit" Aizawa looked at them sternly. "I know that look Kiri. For fucks sake, can you please keep your dick in your pants?! The tour is more important than getting fucked right now!".

"I want him though" Kiri whined. "We'll treat him right, won't we boys?" his red eyes looked pleadingly at Shoto and Bakugo.

"Shit Kiri. I've never seen you so worked up over anybody before. He that special?".

"Kat. There's just something about him. Makes me want to get to know him better". Katsuki sat back and stared down Kiri hard, making the redhead blush. "Ok, fine! I wanna fuck him till his back gives out".

"There it is!" Shoto chuckled "the truth at last!".

"Oh, for fucks sake Kiri! I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that. Go check him out tonight. If he's as good as you say he is then hire him. Bakugo, I trust your judgment on this one. Now get the fuck out. I've got important meetings to attend". Aizawa practically pushed them out the door.

"You guys are gonna love him. I can't wait. Tonight, is going to be super special".

"If you say so, Shit for brains".

BakuDeku One Shots (Sometimes 3somes, Dekubowl)Where stories live. Discover now