My Alpha Wife

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Katsuki sighed heavily as he waited for the coffee to brew. His boss, CEO Midoriya Izuku, is very particular about how his coffee is prepared and by who. His secretary, Bakugo Katsuki, has been given the task ever since he started working for the pint size omega six months ago.

You would think that alphas would be in charge, with their larger bodies and canines, but no, in this world omegas are the top of the food chain. What they lack in height and girth, they make up in superior intelligence, agility, powerfully strong pheromones and the ability to breed. Without omegas the population would cease to exist. All of the top companies are run by omegas.

Izuku took over his family's tech company a few years back. They manufacture the chips that go into high tech kids toys. It's a stressful job, but one that he loves. The omega knows the business, employing the best software engineers straight out of the top colleges. He pays off their tuition and in return they sign a two-year contract to work exclusively for his company.  The pay is great and there are several enticing perks, most employees end up staying on past their two year contracts.

Midoriya singled out Bakugo the moment their eyes met. The omega was instantly drawn to the alphas good looks and mouthwatering pheromones. His resume wasn't very exciting, but Izuku was willing to take the time to train the alpha. 

Make no mistake, Izuku wasn't going to go easy on the blonde alpha. No, quite the opposite. From the moment Bakugo walks through the omegas office door until he leaves the building at 6 p.m, he is in constant demand.

The alpha starts with making the omega breakfast. There is a schedule for what Izuku wants each day of the week. They come up with the menu on Fridays an hour before the work day ends. It's usually eggs, toast, fruit, waffles or pancakes. Lunch is a large salad, different kinds of sandwiches with some kind of soup. The omega is also partial to baked chicken and steak with a large stuffed baked potato.

Bakugo doesn't mind making food for his boss. The alpha enjoys cooking and is allowed to make an extra portion for himself and anything that is left over is taken home. It's been a long time since the alpha has even needed to go to the grocery store. His fridge is fully stocked with meats, vegetable, fruits and dairy products from when his boss forgets that he scheduled a business meeting last minute and insists that the alpha take the ingredients he would have used home.

Katsuki looks down at his Rolex watch shining in the kitchen lights. It was a gift given to the omega from an Argentine businessman who was hoping to set up Midoriya with his son. Izuku graciously declined saying he was already being courted, but the older gentleman insisted he keep the gift as a thank you for the excellent work Midoriya Corp did on the skateboards that light up and keep a record of all the successful tricks, jumps and also what went wrong when the rider falls off. The omega had given the watch to Bakugo claiming that he already had a dozen just like it at home. The alpha blushed bowing his thanks.

"Bakugo, go home for the rest of the day. We'll both be needing the time to pack for our business trip to Hawaii. What time are we leaving?".

"Yes, Sir. Our flight is departing at 8 a.m. I've spoken to your driver and he will be at your door at 7 a.m to take you to your private jet".

"Very good. How will you be getting to the airport? Will you be calling a driver too?".

"Ah" Katsuki blushed. He isn't accustomed to a first class lifestyle. In all honesty, he doesn't have much in funds. All the money he makes goes to pay rent and help pay his cousins private middle school tuition. The little guy's family was killed in a horrible accident, so Bakugo took over as his guardian. He doesn't regret it for a second, but has had to put luxuries aside. "I'll leave early and take the subway to the airport".

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