Camping Trip

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"All right students listen up!" Aizawa barked at his class. "It's going to get dark in a couple hours and you need to set up your tents and put your things away. We also need firewood for tonight's campfire. Ladies, you will be staying at the site across the path. So get your stuff out of the truck and get going".

The class walked over to the large Uhaul truck and Iida opened it up and jumped inside. "Shoji, help me pass out the bags". Shoji nodded and grabbed the nearest large black bag. Each student had put their belongings in large black plastic bags with their names on them using duct tape. Unloading individual items would have been much longer to do, so having everything in one huge bag was a time saver.

"Midoriya, why did you bring a futon!?" Iida asked huffing, trying to pick up the bed.

Midoriya used Black whip to easily lift his bag and bed out of the truck. "I want to be comfortable. I can't sleep very well on a mat".

"Princess" Katsuki teased.

"Whatever Kacchan. Enjoy feeling that rock digging into your back all night".

"Bakugo, here's your bag, but it feels lighter than the rest. Did you forget to pack something?".

"I hope not. My old hag packet my shit".

"Princess" Izuku smirked.

"Shut it, Nerd!".

Midoriya snorted and looked through his bag and found his tent. It was one of those easy tents that pop open in seconds. His tent was so large you could easily fit 4 people inside comfortably. Using Black Whip he placed his futon inside and gently unrolled his bed.

"You brought a queen size bed?!" Kiri said looking inside the greenette's tent.

"I move a lot in my sleep" he blushed at the attention he was getting. He pulled sheets out of his bag and made his bed quickly. He smiled as he placed his All Might comforter on his bed and two fluffy pillows.

"You expecting company?" Mineta said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Your mom said she might stop by" Izuku said smoothly, loving the rare blush on Mineta's face.

An angry snarl that Izuku could pick out of a crowd rang through the campsite. "That hag forgot to pack my tent and sleeping bag!".

"Calm down Bakugo. Let me check the truck again" Shoji headed back to the truck, looking in he cautiously turned around shaking his head. As expected, Bakugo let off his quirk high into the shy.

"Bakugo knock it off!" Aizawa snapped "You could start a forest fire. Does anybody have an extra blanket or something?". Everyone shook their heads looking uncomfortable.

"Kacchan can share my bed. There's enough room for the both of us" Midoriya offered.

All eyes snapped to the fiery blonde. It was common knowledge that Midoriya rubbed Bakugo the wrong way. The two were in constant competition.

"Not if my life depended on it Deku".

"Stop being stubborn Kacchan and sleep with me!".

"Midobro, you know how that sounds right?" Sero said laughing so hard his side hurt.

"Well that's settled. Bakugo, you will share a tent with Midoriya". Katsuki was about to protest when Aizawa gave him a look that clearly said "Don't fuck with me".

Bakugo grabbed his bag and put it inside Izuku's tent. You could feel the rage emanating from his body.

Midoriya went along with the rest of the class to gather firewood for tonight's campfire. He couldn't help but smile at the thought of sharing a bed with Kacchan. He couldn't count how many nights he had gotten off to the very idea. Nobody had any clue that he was hopelessly in love with Katsuki. He hid it well knowing that his rival would probably never reciprocate his feelings.

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