Cock Warming

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ShojiDeku. BakuDeku. Omegaverse. 

Class 3-A heard the bell ring letting them know class is to begin. Everyone was already seated, but one lone student, Izuku Midoriya hadn't shown up for class yet. Iida walked up to the front to take attendance when the omega entered the room, his clothes askew and his cheeks tinged pink.

Aizawa was very aware of why Izuku looks that way, and was curious who the omega would choose to help him with his pre-heat. An omega goes into pre-heat two days before their real heat. Their scent gets sweeter, their breath quickens and their bodies are flushed.

The teacher's eyes widen as the omega makes his way over towards Katsuki Bakugo. His heart stutters when he realizes things could get ugly. Bakugo hasn't shown any interest in Midoriya, and has in fact made fun of how the omega looks.

Aizawa can't understand that for the life of him. Midoriya is one of the cutest omegas he's ever seen. His body is curvaceous, and his eyes are breathtakingly beautiful. Any alpha would be proud to have an omega like him, but for some reason, Bakugo isn't interested, making what is about to happen all the more awkward.

Izuku stands in front of Bakugo, his eyes glazed over, soft pants escaping his mouth. He begins to purr, his hands reach down and grab onto Bakugo's belt buckle. The blonde's eyes narrow, glaring at the omega. He hears the snickering around him, and hates it. He can't believe Deku would be coming onto him like this in front of the entire class, and for that too.

"NO OMEGA!" he snarls, bating Izuku's hand away from him. He flinches when Deku backs away with a look of hurt etched all over his face.

"Am I a bad omega?" he sniffles, those emerald eyes looking sad from the rejection.

"Of course you're not!" the alphas around the room cry out "Such a pretty omega, so perfect."

"Sit back down," Aizawa said lazily. "Omega, come here, Kitten. Let's talk for a minute."

Izuku turned his sad eyes towards his teacher, but nodded and walked towards Aizawa.

"Hey, Sensei, I want to take care of him! Midoriya, you can keep me warm!"

"Silence!" Aizawa snarled, effectively shutting up the alphas. "Since the omega's choice isn't interested, then it is up to the omega to choose another alpha. While Midoriya is deciding, Iida, please take over the lesson that I have prepared. The lesson plan is on my desk."

The alphas grumbled, looking at Izuku with obvious interest. Bakugo was surprised how his classmates were looking at him with so much anger and resentment. Since when has Deku become so popular? He watched Aizawa come towards his desk, and lift Deku away from him bridal style taking him towards his desk in the front of the classroom.

The blonde sees Aizawa comfort scenting Deku, the omega purring in response. "What the hell is wrong with you, Bakugo?" Sero hissed at him. "Why won't you let Midoriya keep your cock warm? I'd give my left nut to have him sit on me for even a second. He's so pretty and he smells delicious".

"It's none of your fucking business, Soy Sauce!" Bakugo looked down at his text book, his hands clenching into fists. His inner alpha was roaring at him to go take back his omega. 

Aizawa stood up, waving his hand towards the back of the classroom. All heads snapped back to look at the lucky alpha who Izuku had chosen to warm. Everyone was shocked into silence as Shoji stood up and walked towards their teacher's desk. Izuku chirped up at him, his beautiful eyes dancing with delight as Shoji lifted him easily, his strong arms circling around him, holding him like a treasure.  

Cock warming is a common practice that omegas need to have before their heat. It's normal to find an omega straddling their mate, contently napping while their alpha keeps their insides stuffed with their cock. That is why none of the students are scandalized by what will be happening at Shoji's desk. Cock warming is as natural as breast feeding.

"You smell so wonderful, Omega," Shoji crooned, tilting Izuku's chin up to look at him. "I'm going to get you ready for me, ok?"

Shoji unbuttoned his pants, lowering them enough for his large manhood to pop free. Izuku's purrs grew louder, he chirps with excitement looking at the alpha's penis. Shoji took the time to stretch Izuku before letting Izuku use him as the omega sees fit. Izuku chirps happily as he sinks down onto Shoji's large member. 

Aizawa brings a privacy blanket over to cover Midoriya's lower half. "Thank you for taking care of him, Shoji." He runs his hand through green soft curls before going back to his desk. As the teacher, his students health is his responsibility. 

Shoji sits still as Izuku snoozes on his lap until it's lunch time. Izuku yawns adorably, snuggling Shoji's chest before lifting off the alpha's lap. Shoji was so thankful that he wears a mask. The fabric hid the frown from being unable to cum after hours of being inside of the sexiest omega in the entire school, but he would never complain about it out loud. He's honored to have even been chosen. The alpha will just go jack off in the bathroom. 

"You're so lucky, Shoji," Kaminari groaned as he smelled Izuku's slick on Shoji's clothes. "You better eat up if you're going to survive warming him after lunch too." 

Bakugo stabbed his salad, munching on it aggressively while he glared at the masked alpha who had warmed Deku. Like hell was he going to let that asshole warm his shitty nerd again. After lunch Bakugo grabbed Izuku's hand, leading him over towards his desk instead of Shoji's. The blonde alpha snarled at Shoji to dare and touch what he has claimed for himself. Shoji held up his hands as if saying that's he's ok with it as long as the omega is.  

A deep rumble of pleasure reaches Katsuki's ears as his cock is exposed to the air. Before he can blink, the omega has straddled his hips, taking the thick shaft into his warm hot pussy. Izuku yowls with relief at having been filled by his first choice alpha.

Bakugo holds Izuku, releasing calming pheromones to lull the omega to sleep. Aizawa comes over with another privacy blanket that he wraps around the sleepy omega. Katsuki admits that being inside Deku feels amazing, but it's torture not being able to fuck him. He knows that it's the alpha's job to let the omega use his body without expecting anything in return. He just hopes that maybe someday, Deku might be interested in something more. 

"Kacchan" Izuku purrs, nuzzling into Bakugo's scent gland.

"Sleep, omega, your alpha's got you." 

There are two more parts to this story. Endgame TodoKiriBakuDeku. 

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