The Naughty Neighbor

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"Oh, come one!" Izuku slammed his bowl of cereal down on the coffee table as he stared at his pictures thumping against the wall.  "I just straightened those!" he whined.

He blushed for what was probably the hundredth time as he heard the moans of pleasure seeping through the thin apartment room walls.  They echoed in his eardrums bringing up mental pictures of his sexy neighbor pounding some lucky person up against said wall.

His neighbor, Katsuki Bakugo, local whore, never seems to be without a brief companion for the evening.  He fucks em and kicks them out the door.  Izuku has bumped into more than a few of his trysts.  They never seem hurt by the rejection, Katsuki made it clear to them that it was a one-time fling.  The only thing that they all had in common is their looks.  Katsuki only brought home attractive partners.

Izuku sighed as he looked at his own reflection.  His wavy green locks are nice, but his face wasn't anything to write home about.  He had been told he was cute, with his emerald green eyes and freckles, but a man like Katsuki goes for hot not cute.  On occasion Bakugo has flirted with him, but it always seemed more like a joke than a come on. 

The noise had stopped and the pictures on his wall were left askew.  Izuku hears the door opening and closing and the shower being turned on.  Izuku sighs picking up his bowl of now soggy cereal and is about to take a bite when someone knocks on his door.  He has no idea who it could be.  He wasn't expecting any company.  Izuku opened the door and finds a large package sitting there. 

"I didn't order anything". He bent down and looked at the address label. "Shit.  This is for Katsuki, not me".  This has happened a few times with letters, but never packages.  He usually slips the letters through the mail slot and goes on his way.  He looks over at Katsuki's door wondering if he should just leave it there and knock like the delivery guy did.

"He's in the shower.  What if he doesn't hear me knock?  I don't have his number to text him.  I'll just take it for now until he's out of the shower".  He can't help but be a little excited to have a reason to knock on Bakugo's door.

Izuku hears the shower turn off and waits a few minutes for the blonde to get dressed.  Izuku usually only takes about 10 minutes tops to get dressed.  He patiently waits until he's sure the blonde must be dried and dressed.  He grabs the package and knocks on Katsuki's door.

"Hold the fuck on!"  Katsuki barks from behind the door.  Izuku rolls on the heels of his shoes back and forth waiting for the blonde.

The door jerks open and a very wet Bakugo is standing there in nothing but a towel around his waist.

"What the fuck do you want, Deku?".

Izuku's mouth doesn't seem to want to work.  His eyes roam all over Katsuki's built chest down to his strong legs.  They make their way back up to the blonde's mouth that was currently smirking under the greenettes perusal. "You see something you like, Nerd?".

Izuku's face heated up as he thrust the package into Bakugo's hands.  "This was put in front on my door by accident.  So here". He couldn't help but look one more time at Katsuki's perfect pecks.

As he turned to leave Bakugo grabbed his hand. "Come in for a bit, Deku.  You've never been over before, have you?".

"I'll come over later once you're dressed".  Katsuki grinned at the obvious discomfort on Izuku's face.  It was adorable.  His innocence was very attractive.  It made Bakugo wonder just how far this emerald eyed cutie would let him go.

"I think you like me just like this, don't ya Deku?" he purred wrapping one arm around Izuku's waist.  He nuzzled his ear and whispered "come inside for a bit.  I promise you won't regret it".  Izuku's heart began to race. 

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