Double the Pleasure

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Katsuki had been patrolling when a fight broke out in front of a bar between two obviously inebriated idiots. He rolled his eyes, wondering why people drink to the extent that they get drunk. Don't people understand moderation at all? He huffed knowing that he needed to step in before the fools stumbled into the street and get struck by incoming traffic.

"Oi, break it up". Katsuki pushed one man away, getting in-between the two. "You need to calm the fuck down before one of you gets hurt".

"Mind your own b.i business, Lord Explosion" the man sneered. "That bastard tried to hit on my wife. If someone hit on Hero Deku, you'd pop them in the mouth too".

Katsuki took a step back, confusion on his face "Why the fuck would I care about someone hitting on Deku?" he asked, ignoring the ping in his heart at the very thought of someone liking the nerd.

"Seriously?!" the man barked "Anyone with eyes can see that you have the hots for him. I thought you were a couple; the way you moon over him, and the way he lights up around you".

Katsuki blushed, there was a crowd forming around them, people inside were wondering what was going on outside. He could hear people commenting "Yeah, aren't you two dating? It's obvious you like each other. There are so many fan pages dedicated to BakuDeku. The fan art is erotic AF".

"Hold on!" he hissed "I'm here to break up the bullshit going on between these two asshats, not to talk about my nonexistent love life between me and that shitty nerd!".

"Maybe you need a little help realizing your true feelings, Dynamite" a saucy looking women in a red dress sauntered up to him. "You seem torn in two by the thought of having feelings for Hero Deku. My quirk can help".

Before he knew what was happening, the lady touched him, his body heating up, pain ripped up his spine and he felt like he was literally being torn in half. He screamed, sweat breaking out all over his body, his spine throbbed and he was having trouble breathing.

"Get up, you fucking pussy" a voice said that sounded just like his own. His eyes flew up, then grew huge as he took in himself. "Pretty cool, huh? Two of us, but only one of us is super bad ass".

"What in the actual fuck?!" Katsuki stammered, backing up a few steps. "Why, how, why?" he repeated, looking back and forth between his copy and the lady.

"This is your subconscious. He says whatever is on his mind and doesn't care about the consequences. If you have feelings for Hero Deku, he will definitely let you know. He'll let Deku know too" she snickered, her eyes wiggling suggestively.

Katsuki didn't like the sound of that. "What do you mean by that? He's not going to yap about my feelings for my classmates is he? There are some fuckers I really don't like, but I have to go to school with them! We fight side by side. I can't lose their trust in me when it could be life or death situation!"

Katsuki was about to freak out, when the lady shushed him, placing a warm hand on his shoulder. "I'll make it so he doesn't do that, but I won't censor him when it comes to Hero Deku. That is something you need to hear. It can be life changing in a good way".

"You don't have the right to meddle in my love life" he snarled "That's not ok. That's cruel and incredibly intrusive. Undo whatever the fuck you did. Right now or I'll arrest you for attacking a hero".

Her smug smile finally fell when she realized what she had done to a hero. This could mean serious trouble for her, civilians aren't supposed to use their quirks unless it's to protect themselves against an attack. "Look, it'll wear off in a few hours. Just keep him busy for 4-5 hours".

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