My Nerd

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BakuDeku  DekuBaku

Katsuki felt like he was in the 7 circles of hell. Why did round face have to fucking bring him that?!  Oh god!  The way he's licking it.  Swirling his tongue around its round shape. Katsuki couldn't tare his eyes away.  I have never been more jealous of a lollipop in my entire life!

Katsuki couldn't help but move his mouth in sync with the object of his desire.  Whenever Deku opened his mouth to push the lollipop back through his lips, Katsuki unconsciously opened his.  I wish that was my cock going into that sweet mouth.  That tongue should be rolling around my dick.  I can just imagine those soft lips dragging across my length, his tongue flicking out to wet my cock.

Stop it Katsuki!  You're in class!  Think unsexy thoughts.  Think unsexy thoughts!  Sexy thoughts.  Deku naked.  Deku riding me.  Stop it! Oh god. I have a boner!  Again!

Katsuki raised his hand and asked to go to the restroom.  Aizawa nodded and the blonde rushed out the room to find the nearest single person restroom.  Thankfully there was one not too far from his class.  As soon as he got inside and locked the door, he lowered his pants taking out his aching member.

The school provides both lotions and hand soap in all their bathrooms.  Some student's quirks cause them to get very dry hands, so the student President petitioned for lotions to be provided.  Katsuki was never more thankful for that then right now.

He pumped the bottle two times and put the cool lotion on his erection.  He sat on the toilet and jerked off to one of his favorite fantasies.

Kacchan, what are you doing in my room at 2 a.m?  Are you not feeling well?  Should I call someone?

I'm feeling right as rain Nerd.  I'm here to wreck that perfect ass of yours.  I want to make you scream my name so much that your voice gets hoarse. 

What?!  You want to do what?!

Shut up nerd.  You have 10 seconds to get naked by yourself otherwise I'm going to tear your clothes off of you myself.  I'm not kidding Deku.  I'm here to fuck the shit out of you.

Kacchan!  I want that too.   Wreck me!  Mess me up so badly I can't walk!

He takes off his clothes and gets on his hands and knees and shows me his ass.  His body is shaking with need. I lick two of my fingers and get them real wet. I stick them in gently stretching out that untouched ring of muscles.  Oh god.  He's perfect for me now.  My cock slips inside all the way.  His back arches and the sexiest moan escapes those plump lips.  Fuck!

Katsuki couldn't finish his fantasy because he had just cum in his hand.  His breath coming out in huffs.

Well at least that's over.  I can pay attention in class again.  Stupid Deku turning me on all the time with that stupid body and that stupid face.

Katsuki washed his hands with a little more vigor than necessary.  I'm pathetic. I just jerked off in the school bathroom like a dog in heat.  I need to end this.

Katsuki looked at his flushed face in the mirror.  His eyes darted over his body and face.  I'm fucking hot.  There's no way Deku would refuse me.  He's always following me around like a puppy. Mmm.  He would look sexy in a collar.  Me holding the leash forcing him to deep throat my cock while tears roll down his face.  Holding those green curls in my fist while I shove my dick inside his mouth all the way, making his swallow my load and thank me for it.  Oh no. Shit.  I'm hard again!  That's it!  I'm at my limit!

Going back to class, Katsuki noticed Aizawa napping in his sleeping bag and the rest of the class was chatting.  Katsuki went over to Izuku and kicked his chair.

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