Flying the Overly Friendly

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Deku put his bag in the overhead bin and took his seat next to the window. He is a nervous flyer so he closed the window shade. It made his stomach clench when he watched the plane leave the ground. His leg thumped up and down without him even realizing he was doing it.

He grabbed a book out of his backpack and distracted himself with his favorite read. The book looked well worn. The cover already starting to peel. Deku smiled as he opened the book feeling like he was greeting an old friend. Deku heard someone take the seat next to him, but he wasn't in the mood to chat so he ignored whoever it was.

"I thought only kids read that shit" a gruff voice broke his concentration. He looked over at the man and the snarky comment he was going to make died on his lips. The man was incredibly handsome. The smirk on the blondes face growing as he noticed he was being checked out.

"Hello gorgeous. My name is Katsuki Bakugo" the blonde god said as he held out his hand to shake Deku's.

"Umm. I...I'm Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meeet you" Deku stuttered felling like an idiot.

"So tell me Izuku. Why is a grown ass man ready Harry Potter?".

Deku blushed, but like most Potterheads, he is a rabid fan. "I admire Harry. He's not afraid to look death in the face in order to save the people he loves. I wish I could be more like him".

"If you say so freckles" he teased. "Maybe I'll pick up a copy at the bookstore near my apartment. See what all the hype is about".

"When I'm feeling bad or nervous it helps lift up my spirits".

"You feeling nervous? Let me guess. You're afraid of flying?" Izuku nodded and jumped when Katsuki put his hand over his own.

"Maybe you need some other kind of distraction to take your mind away from your fears" Katsuki looked at Deku's lips and bit his own.

Deku didn't even know what to say. He just stared at the blonde, his brain completely shutting down as the blood rushed to pool around his waist.

Katsuki pushed the button calling for the flight attendant and winked at Deku. She came over with a wide grin as her eyes raked over the handsome man. "How can I help you sir?"

"Can I trouble you for a couple blankets for me and my friend?". His smile could melt any woman's panties right off.

"Of course. Right away". She came back and handed Katsuki two blankets. "Can I get you anything else?".

"This is fine thank you". Katsuki handed a blanket over to Izuku and dropped the other overs his own lap.

"Why do you have the window down? It's fun to watch the cars and buildings get smaller and smaller".

"That's the part that I hate the most. I'm fine after take-off".

"Flight attendants please take your seats and prepare for lift-off" the pilot announced.

Katsuki unfolded the blanket and put in on Izuku's lap. "Let's look out the window together". Katsuki leaned over Deku and opened the window. The greenette could barely breath when he felt Katsuki's hand travel up his thigh. His fingers massaging their way up to his crotch.

Izuku's breath started coming out faster. He couldn't believe a total stranger, all be it a hot one, was feeling him up where anybody could pass by and see. He felt a tiny bit better because he had a blanket covering his lower half, and the blondes body leaning towards him blocked their neighbors from seeing anything.

Izuku looked into Katsuki's crimson eyes and gasped when he felt the blondes hand rub up against his dick. "Katsuki "he moaned. "What are you doing?".

"Distracting you Freckles". He rubbed him harder as the plane started to move. Katsuki unsnapped Deku's pants and put his left hand inside of the trembling man's underwear, grabbing the erection stroking it firmly.

"Oh my god!" Izuku whispered as he lifted up his hips into Katsuki's hand.

"Just relax Kitten. I'm gonna make you forget everything else".

The plane's engine started roaring, about ready to speed down the runway. All Deku could pay attention to was how his body was responding to the blonde stranger jerking him off. The plane lifted off the ground and the people in front oohed and Aahed looking out their windows.

Deku on the other hand was covering his mouth to suppress the loud moan that threatened to expose what they were doing. It only took one more strong jerk to make Deku cum into Katsuki's hand.

The crimson eyed seducer took out his hand from Deku's pants and cleaned himself off with a tissue he had in his pocket.

"Katsuki. Wow" was all Deku could say.

Izuku forgot about his fears as he chatted up the blonde for the remainder of the flight. Turns out they had a lot in common.

"I'd like to see you again Izuku" Katsuki said as he handed Deku his bag.

Reaching into his backpack he took out a gold band and put it on his finger. "You can see me all you want at home Kacchan. Your role play was much better than mine" he said as he kissed his husbands lips.

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