Dirty Thoughts

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On his way to school, Izuku accidentally bumped into an old woman. He hadn't been paying attention, too busy reading the latest text from Kacchan. "I am so sorry, Ma'am! Are you ok?".

She smiled kindly at the young man who had barely tapped her, but was acting as if he had sent her flying into a ditch with her skirt around her head. "I'm fine, kind child. Although you might really regret having touched me. You see, my quirk is highly intrusive to someone such as yourself who won't be able to control it. When you touched me, a bit of my quirk rubbed off on you".

"Oh my. Intrusive? What is your quirk?".

"I can see people's thoughts. Their thoughts hover above their heads like a comic book. Unfortunately, you will be able to read the thoughts of the last person you were thinking of".

"I'll be able to read Kacchan's thoughts?! Oh wow! That's so cool! I always wondered what he is thinking about while training. How he plans his moves and chooses his targets". Midoriya was already geeking out, thinking about all the new information he could write down in his journals.

The older lady cackled "You'd be surprised what depraved thoughts most people have, my dear. Sad thoughts too" her smile faded. "So many people are hurting, scared and stressed out. My quirk might seem amazing, but it is a huge burden too. Thankfully I've learned how to mute it".

"I'm sure Kacchan's thoughts are solely on becoming the number 1 hero and nothing else" Midoriya smiled at her confidently "He's very dedicated".

"I hope so, young man. My quirk will wear off sometime tomorrow. Good luck".

Izuku waved her off, his smile almost giddy as he turned to rush towards school. He couldn't wait to see what Kacchan's thoughts had to say.

Oh....Oh my.....OH MY GOD!!!!!!!

"Why is your mouth hanging open like that, shitty Deku?! Sit down and shut up". Those are the words coming out of Katsuki's mouth, but not at all what he was thinking.

"Stupid, Nerd. Coming in here first thing in the morning looking so damn cute. Why the fuck are his eyes so damn shiny this morning? It's hard enough holding back from kissing him senseless, but when he looks like that, it makes it a million times worse".

Izuku stood there, re-reading the thought bubble a couple times to make sure he had seen everything correctly. "This has to be some kind of joke" he chuckled, not believing for a second that Kacchan thinks he's cute, even less that the blonde wants to kiss him.

"Kacchan's kiss" he blushed, the mental picture of Katsuki taking him into his strong arms, one strong hand grasping his neck, leaning down with those full lips.....

"Oi, Nerd, sit the fuck down already!". Katsuki yelled, knocking Izuku out of his fantasy world.

"Sorry, Kacchan" he sat down quickly, his desk right behind the blonde's. Izuku was so thankful that his seat is behind Bakugo, that way it's not obvious that he's reading his thoughts. It will look like he's paying attention to the teacher.

"Tch. Take better notes today, nerd. I don't want you coming over tonight begging for mine since you took piss poor notes".

A new thought bubble formed above Katsuki "I hope you don't take notes today. I want you to come to my room. When you lay in my bed you leave your scent behind on my pillow. I love jacking off to the smell of your mint shampoo. I wish it was you instead, touching my dick, sucking it, making me cum all over that slutty mouth".

"Kacchan!" Izuku's face turning scarlet. His dick jumping for joy in his pants. Those feelings of lust for his friend that had been locked away, have now kicked down the door, spreading out all over his brain, leaving no space for any other thoughts.

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