I'll Take a Slice of that Sweet Pie

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"Here I am again. Apartment number 307. Half vegetarian half meat lovers with thick crust and extra cheese. I don't know how he can stay so thin eating this crap twice a week, but I don't care because at least I get to see those sexy emerald eyes".

Katsuki knocked and waited patiently for the nerdy bundle of cuteness to open his door, always fumbling with the chain lock. The blonde smiles at the sound of muttering as the greenette goes back and forth between getting his wallet and finally opening the door. "Too cute" He couldn't help chuckling as he hears the nerd bump his hip on the same entrance table every damn time.

"Hello again" a flushed faced young man mumbles as he hands Bakugo the money for his pizza.

"Hello to you too" Katsuki replies flirtatiously adding a wink which causes a blush to tint those freckle dusted cheeks. "You know, if you want me to come over, all you have to do is ask instead of ordering pizza all the time".

"What?" Izuku tilted his head looking puzzled.

Now it was Katsuki's turn to blush. It would appear that this cutie was not ordering pizza to get to see him. "Just kidding" he said rubbing the back of his neck. "Here is your order" he handed Izuku the pizza and turned to leave.

"D-did you w-want me to invite you in?" Izuku stammered turning bright red. Yes, he found the blonde extremely sexy, but thought the crimson eyed god was way out of his league.

Katsuki smirked turning back to the blushing mess before him. "Yeah I do" he said smoothly tilting up Izuku's chin to stare into those emerald eyes he found so captivating. "Can I come in. You're my last delivery for the night".

Izuku thought he might drop dead from excitement when Katsuki rubbed his thumb over his bottom lip. He stepped aside to let the blonde come in and quickly set the pizza on the coffee table. "Umm. I can't finish this by myself. Do you want to share it with me? We could maybe watch a movie while we eat".

Katsuki isn't the type to beat around the bush. He doesn't give two fucks about coming off as too forward or aggressive. When he sees something he wants, he goes for it. Although recently he hasn't been interested in anybody else since he first laid eyes on this shy green bean. He pushed Izuku down onto the couch and kissed him deeply. "I didn't come in to chat, I've been wanting that ass for over a month now and I mean to have it. Biting into a slice of your pie is the only thing I'm interested in" he said grabbing Izuku's ass firmly.

Izuku froze unable to process what was going on. In all of his 24 years, he had never been treated like this. Hell, he had never even had sex before. His social anxiety kept him from opening up to people and the guys he went out with soon got bored. He didn't know how to respond properly and in the end he covered his eyes with his arm to hide himself and his inexperience from the blonde. He was waiting for Katsuki to sigh, get up and leave. Instead he felt a tap on his arm.

"Hey, where did you go? I can't see those amazing eyes if you hide like that". Katsuki grabbed Izuku's wrists with one hand and pinned them over the greenettes head. "That's better" he growled running his other hand under Izuku's shirt. "I'm gonna make a mess out of you. I'm gonna take you hard and probably several times. I have a big drive and I've waited so long for this. You ok with that?". Katsuki didn't wait for an answer before pushing up Izuku's shirt, pinching his nipple.

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