Yes Sir

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Izuku tied the apron around his tiny waist making a bow that hung down covering his pert behind. He pulled on the hem of his garter belt making sure that both sides were exactly the same. His boss is very nitpicky about Izuku's uniform being symmetrically perfect. His black Mary Janes are to be polished to a fine finish without a scuff mark to be seen. His white panty hose should never have a run in them and the lines that runs down the center have to be vertical perfection. His white blouse and black skirt are to be ironed each day with no unnecessary pleating. Izuku shuddered remembering what happened to him the last time he had made a mistake with his uniform.

Izuku inspected himself carefully before exiting his quarters and walking quietly towards the kitchen to collect Mr. Bakugo's morning breakfast tray. He passed several other servants on the way. They all nodded silently towards each other. No one every speaks a word to each other while the boss is still as home. Their master is very strict about noise and hates the sound of idle gossip.

Izuku has been employed the longest of the maid staff. He has lasted a whole two months. The others have been fired for insubordination or for something as simple as walking into his room the wrong way. The greenette found his boss to be both intimidating and exasperatingly sexy. He couldn't help but wonder what the blonde, with those calculating crimson eyes, would look like in the heat of passion. Would they stay cold or soften with desire?

Izuku picked up the tray that had a small pot of hot tea, a cup, two poached eggs, toast and two links of sausage under a silver cover to keep it warm. Izuku walked carefully towards his master's bedroom making sure not to jiggle the tray. He had been yelled at the first time and made sure not to make the same mistake twice. Izuku had practiced carrying a tray all day while the boss was at work. He needed this job. Not only to pay his bills, but because he found himself drawn to Mr. Bakugo.

Izuku knew the exact time it took for him to make it to his master's bedroom door from the kitchen and heaven help him if he was a second late. Master Bakugo opens his door at exactly 7 am. If Izuku is not there at that time, he is docked an entire day's pay. Izuku held up the tray just above his navel. That is the height Mr. Bakugo wants him to hold it at. As expected, the blonde task master opened his door at the exact time and held the door open for Izuku to enter and place the tray on the table near the window.

Izuku began to prepare the tray for his master by first pouring the tea into the cup and adding two sugar cubes. He has to stir the sugar counterclockwise three times and then two clockwise. Izuku was just about to finish with the tea when he got an unexpected tickle in his throat. It caught him by surprise and before he could stop himself, he dropped the spoon to cover his mouth.

His breath caught in his throat. He had dropped the spoon in front on his boss. He not only dropped it, but some of the tea had spilled onto the white napkin that laid beneath the teacup.

"Well now, looks like you've ruined breakfast, my pet" Bakugo growled turning Midoriya around bruskly. He lifted Izuku's chin glaring down into trembling emerald orbs. "I'm in a foul mood and it's your fault. How are you going to make it up to me?".

"I'm sorry, My Lord. Please forgive me. It won't happen again. I'll do anything to make it up to you" Izuku looked at his boss pleadingly.

"Anything?" he smirked in response. Izuku was taken aback at the look of lust his employer was giving him. He barely had time to register a response when he found himself thrust belly down on the side of Bakugo's large four poster bed. His legs were spread open, his skirt hiked up and his thong brutally ripped apart.

"Spread your ass for me. I mean to have you right now". Izuku spread himself open with trembling hands. He had never been taken this way and was a bit frightened. There was another part of him that was beyond thrilled and couldn't wait to be punished. He wanted to feel his master's cock rip him apart for being a bad boy. Izuku's body trembled at the husky voice in his ear "Shall we begin?".

BakuDeku One Shots (Sometimes 3somes, Dekubowl)Where stories live. Discover now