I'll Show You mine, if You Show Me Yours. Deku bowl.

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"What the fuck is he doing here, Deku?" Katsuki glared at the handsome young man standing behind Izuku. "I don't remember inviting that bird brain to hang out."

"Kacchan, be nice! He's just kidding, Rody."

"The hell I am!"

"Fine." Izuku shrugged, turning to leave. "Rody, why don't we go see a movie together?"

"Wait," Katsuki grumbled, stepping aside so the two could come in "He can stay or whatever."

"Thanks, Kacchan!" Izuku beamed at the blonde, his emerald eyes dancing with devious glee.

"Tch. Whatever." Katsuki's left eye began to twitch when Rody passed him by, smirking up a storm. "Fuck you."

"Excuse me! What kind of guy do you think I am?! At least buy me dinner first, handsome" Rody teased, patting Katsuki on the shoulder. "Thanks for letting me hang, Blasty."

"Can I join you too?" a new voice popped up from behind Rody. The three boys turned to see Shoto Todoroki standing in the doorway already wearing his pajamas.

"What the fuck, Halfie?! It's only 7, why are you already dressed for bed?"

Shoto looked down at his outfit, not really understanding the problem. "I'm not planning on going out again, so why not get ready for bed? Pajamas are comfortable and let my private's breath."

"Gross! Don't talk about your junk, Candy Cane!" Katsuki snarled, scrunching up his nose with disgust.

Izuku giggled and waves Shoto inside to sit next to him on the floor. Katsuki isn't at all pleased that his small dorm room is now crawling with two people he has no desire to hang out with tonight. Shoto is ok, but Rody can kick rocks. That smarmy asshole is always hanging around Deku, trying to put the moves on his oblivious shitty nerd.

"What are the plans for tonight, Kacchan? You didn't tell me what we were going to do."

"Video games. I'm gonna beat your ass at Street Fighter."

"You're on, Kacchan!"

Bakugo did indeed beat Izuku. Badly too. He also beat Shoto, but to the surprise of everybody, he's losing to Rody. A fact that the brunette can't help but gloat about. "Whatsa matter, Bakugo? Looks like you can't back up all that bullshit about being the best. I'm about to KO your ass!" Seconds later that is exactly what happens. Rody, Shoto and Izuku high five, whoop and holler in celebration of the defeat of The Great Katsuki Bakugo.

"Laugh all you want shit stain." Katsuki glares at Rody deciding to be a petty little bitch instead of accepting defeat like a mature person. "I'll give you this victory, because I know you need one. I'd be looking for any ego boost too if my dick was as small as yours."

The room got deathly quiet. Shoto and Izuku take a step back, taking each other's hand to find comfort during this very awkward moment. This wasn't a friendly locker room jab, but a straight up insult meant to embarrass and anger Rody.

Rody blinked a few times, his eyes began roaming over Katsuki's form before his grey eyes met cocky red. "Whip yours out, stud. Let's see who has a bigger dick."

"Rody!" Izuku blushed, grabbing his friend's arm "Kacchan, he was just kidding."

"I don't think he was, Deku. I think this perverted jerk wants to see my big hard dick."

"Only to prove mine is bigger, princess." Rody takes a couple steps back, taking a seat on Bakugo's bed, folding his arms like he's waiting for Katsuki to make the first move.

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