Love Drunk. Deku x Rody.

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"It was such a great idea to meet up tonight, Rody," Izuku blushed, trying hard not to stare too hard at the handsome pilot sitting opposite him in the back booth of the dive bar.

"I'm glad you could spare the time to come out, Izuku, or should I call you Mr. #1 hero?"

Izuku blushed crimson, his head lowering shyly. Even though it's been a couple of years since he's been crowned the #1 hero, he still can't believe it. He wonders if he will ever get used to his new celebrity status. His newfound status is why they decided to meet at this dive bar. Nobody would expect Hero Deku to be drinking in the shady part of town.

"Stop it," Izuku replied, his soft laughter waltzing over towards Rody, hitting the young man right in the chest. Midoriya has always been nerdy-charming without even trying. He is just a genuinely nice person, and Rody can't help but crush on the emerald eyed cutie.

Well not so cute anymore. More like strikingly handsome. Gone were the days of twinkdome, and in rolled the era of tall, dark and sex on a god damn stick. Izuku must have shot up to at least 6'6", the rest of his body filling out nicely. Rody drooled as he took in Izuku's bulging biceps barely contained in that dark t-shirt whose stitches must be holding on for dear life.

"Hey, can you order me a strawberry margarita? I know it looks fruity, but they taste so good."

"Where are you going?"

"I need to take a piss. Kacchan has been drowning me in water ever since I had to go to the hospital once because of dehydration."

Rody nods, and watches Izuku walk away, more drool running down his chin. "My god, Izuku has the ass of a Roman statue," Rody thinks, groaning with head down on the table. "I need to make him mine. He still talks about Bakugo all the time. I wonder if he's in love with that hot head." The waitress comes over and Rody orders their drinks, fried chicken and potato skins. It's not good to drink on an empty stomach.

"Ahh, much better," Izuku smiles as he plops back down.

"I'm glad you're back. I missed you," Rody teased, smirking at the blush covering those freckles he adores.

"Well, I'll just have to take you with me next time....Oh god, just kill me now. Please tell me I didn't just say that."

"You did, Freckles. You really did," Rody howled, thumping the table with his fists.

"Can we pretend I didn't?" Izuku was spared further embarrassment when the waitress returned with a pitcher of margaritas and two salt rimmed glasses.

"Here you go, gentlemen. I'll be right back with your food."

"Food?" Izuku asked, grabbing the pitcher, filling up Rody's glass then his own.

"I ordered chicken and potato skins. It my cheat day so I'm making you eat unhealthy with me."

"No big deal, Mr. Soul. One For All keeps my metabolism in peak condition. I could eat greasy food every night and never get fat."

"Fuck you!" Rody chuckled, reaching over to push Izuku back against the wall. If he let his fingers roam around that stacked chest, that was his own business. Now it was Rody's turn to blush when he noticed Izuku's hand grasping at the area where Rody's fingers had been brushing up against him. Like the hero was trying to hold on to the memory of Rody's touch.

Rody held up his glass, trying to break the awkwardness. "To good friends."

Izuku's face fell for a split second before picking up his own glass and clinked it against Rody's "To friends."

The two kept chatting, ordering more food and another pitcher of margaritas. After his third tall glass, Midoriya started feeling the effects of the alcohol. He felt more relaxed, the day's tension melting away, leaving him with a mellow buzz. Izuku knew he wasn't that drunk, but if he kept drinking he would be.

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