The Magic Ring

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Warning! Non-Con! Deku is touching his friend's bodies without consent! Please don't read if this content is triggering. Again. Non-Con! You have been warned. 

One evening while on patrol, Izuku came across a large ring that appeared to be glowing. He looked left and right to see if anybody was returning to pick up the ring. After a few minutes, Deku leaned down and picked it up. His eyes widened, a blush coving his face at the lewd intricate design on the ring. On one side was a finger entering a vagina, and on the other a finger touching the head of a penis.

He shook his head wondering what kind of person would ever buy such a thing. How could they go out in public wearing it? Putting it in his pocket, he told himself that he would drop it off at the police department after his shift.

His phone vibrated in his pocket, the message saying that there is an important meeting in 10 minutes and if he could come in as soon as possible. Izuku texted back that he was about 15 minutes away, but would try and hurry. On the way back he encountered several people needing his help, so he was more than 15 minutes late, more like 30.

By the time he made it inside the agency, the meeting was already wrapping up. Endeavor scowled at him, but understood that heroes can be delayed if they public needs them. "Kacchan, can you fill me in later?" he asked sheepishly.

"Only if you buy me dinner, shitty nerd" Katsuki replied with his signature smirk.

"Sure, Kacchan, but nothing too fancy. I'm saving up for that new gaming system".

Katsuki shook his head in amusement then went back to his desk to begin the long task of going through paperwork. Izuku stared around at his co-workers, each busy and looking stressed. As he sat down at his own desk, he felt something hard digging into his hip. He remembered the ring, taking it out and looking at it once again.

This time something was different. The ring was hot, not to the point of burning, but the kind of hot that you feel when you take your clothes out of the dryer. For some reason Izuku needed to put the ring on his finger. It was like the golden band was calling out to him, demanding that the young hero put it on. 

The greenette couldn't resist. Keeping his hand under his desk, he slipped the ring on his right middle finger. He felt a zing travel from his hand straight to his dick. He couldn't help gasping, but turned it into a cough when his co-workers turned around to look at him.

Izuku couldn't help himself. The ring was doing something to his body, but he was much too embarrassed to tell anybody. He knew without a doubt that Mina and Katsuki would have a field day teasing him. He glanced over towards Mina, a thought entered his mind that never had before.

"I wonder what her pussy feels like?". His eyes scrunched up, he bit his lip while imagining spreading those thighs, pulling aside her panties, then slipping his fingers inside her wet heat. Just then Mina squeaked, her face blushing fiercely as she crossed her legs tight.

Those pervy thoughts persisted in Deku's mind. His middle and pointer fingers on his right hand started to move back and forth, like they were thrusting into Mina's cunt, curling up in search of that sweet spot that all the ladies love. Izuku couldn't take his eyes off the pink haired hero as her breath came out in soft pants that she was so desperately trying to stifle. Izuku's fingers moved back and forth faster, his digits somehow getting wet, covered in creamy liquid. An arrogant smile formed on his face when his fingers felt like they were being squeezed, Mina's pussy contracting around his fingers as she came at her desk, her hands covering her mouth.

It clicked in his brain what the ring can do. All he had to do was think about what he wanted to do with a person's body and the ring could make it happen. "I'll just help them to relax" he told himself. "Look at Mina now. She might be confused, but her body seems less pent up. It was a good thing I fingered her".

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