Insecure Alpha

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BKDK. Omegaverse. 

Izuku covered his mouth with both hands as he stood behind the wall separating the living room from the front door. He was coving his mouth to keep in the snarls and whimpers as he overhears his boyfriend talking to, whom Izuku can only presume, is Katsuki's pack. His body was practically vibrating with rage as he hears his would be mate spewing so much venom about him.

"Why the fuck would I introduce Deku to you, Todoroki? I would be ashamed to. None of you are going to meet that stupid waste of space."

"Why are you even with him if he's such a bad omega? You're not anyone to settle for subpar omegas?"

"I'll keep him until he is no longer useful to me."

Izuku gasps at the cold manner at which Katsuki admitted to using him and was planning on throwing him away.


"Yeah. That dipshit comes over and does all my cooking, cleaning and laundry. Why would I give that up? But, I'm getting a little tired of his nasty pheromones stinking up my place. Every time he leaves I have to neutralize my apartment."

"I do no such thing!" Izuku seethed. "He does all of that for me! Fucking asshole! And excuse me?! Nasty pheromones?!" Izuku snarls to himself. "That asshole is always sticking his nose in my neck, begging me to scent him! Oh, I'm gonna kill him, and the only nasty smell will be coming from his rotting corpse!"

"Is that why we can never smell him?"

"Bakugo," an alpha with a low timber chimed in "If you have no intention of courting this omega to claim him, you should cut ties with him immediately. It's cruel to string him along. Frankly, I'm ashamed of you."

"You tell him, whatever your name is!" Izuku harrumphed quietly.

"Shut the fuck up, Shitty Hair," Katsuki snarled in response. "I didn't invite you here for you all to judge me. I'll let him down gently. I was planning on dumping him in a few days anyway. He can be so fucking embarrassing."

"Embarrassing? How?" a female voice asked with an aggravated tone.

"He likes to dress up like a girl. He's a fucking ugly chick too. He picks the tackiest outfits that do nothing for his figure."

Izuku looked down at his designer dress and shoes finding nothing wrong with the way he looks. He's so confused because the alpha has always praised him on how incredibly sexy he looks in women's clothes. Hell, he is fucking sexy! He's a god damn catch and if that moronic alpha can't see it then fuck him!!

"And another thing about Deku." Katsuki was about to go on when Izuku decided it was time to introduce himself to Katsuki's pack, then leave with his chin held high.

"Oh do go on, Alpha," Izuku entered the room with a confident smile. "I'm finding this all so fascinating. Please tell them how much you played me. How much you made me believe that you loved me, when in fact, you hate everything about me?"

"Deku," Katsuki sputtered, his face turning pale. "Baby, let me explain."

Izuku ignored him, instead turned towards the people sitting in Katsuki's living room. "I'm so sorry to be meeting you under these circumstances. I've been wondering why I haven't been introduced to you all yet, but I now know the reason."

The four sat thunderstruck at the vision of the stunning omega. Long glossy, silky hair has been pulled into a high ponytail, each hair in place. The most brilliant green eyes are enhanced by smokey eyeshadow with a wisp of liner for added sexiness. High cheeks bones are blushed and contoured, but you can still see adorable freckles dotting each cheek.

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