Erratic Heats

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Izuku sat on the cold examination table fidgeting with the cotton gown that didn't seem to want to stay closed in the back. He was anxiously waiting to see the doctor who was recommended by his friend Kaminari, a fellow Omega. Izuku hoped that Dr. Bakugo could solve his years long struggle.

Dr. Bakugo has an impeccable reputation for helping omegas with difficult problems. Problems like infertility, unstable/Erratic heats, slick deficiency and most recently the difficult task of mark removal.

Dr. Bakugo is a dominant alpha and because he is, he can control his instinct better and not lose control around an omega in heat. He prides himself on knowing his clients trust him.

Izuku heard a knock at the door before the doctor let himself in. He was looking down at Izuku's chart and took a seat on his round rolling stool and scooted over to to him still looking over his chart.

"So you're Izuku Midoriya? Male Omega, very rare, age 20". He put the chart down and was about to go on, but found he couldn't right away. The young male before him was the most beautiful omega he had ever seen. Those soft green curls nuzzled gently against his face that were dusted with cute freckles. His large emerald eyes are framed by long lashes. Dr. Bakugo coughed and got himself under control. "Sorry about that. So Midoriya, How can I help you today?".

Izuku blushed. He was aware that the Doctor found him attractive. Most alphas did. His problem brought him more unwanted attention and he needed help before an alpha claimed him by force. "Umm. I have very erratic heats. They come on whenever they want. I have no control over it and suppressants don't work on me. You can guess how it's made my life a living hell".

Dr. Bakugo nodded. If such a beautiful omega were to go into heat in public, any alpha would surely want to mate with him. "Has this happened already?".

Izuku looked at the ground and nodded. "A few times. My brother, Shoto, always escorts me everywhere so no alpha has been able to violate me. He's a dominant alpha so he's able to protect me, but I don't want to be a burden on him any longer. Not that he would ever say I was".

"This is tricky. If suppressants don't work, the only other way is to be claimed and marked. Are you currently dating an alpha?". He asked hoping the answer is no. This omega called to him. His sweet apple smelling pheromones are intoxicating. He wanted to put his nose in Izuku's glands and drink up that smell for hours.

"No. I'm not dating anyone right now. My brother tends to scare off any potential suitors" he chuckled sadly. "It's not like any of them really get my omega purring". Izuku looked over the doctor and found him to be incredibly handsome. He could tell he had a tone body under his smock. His crimson eyes that were currently looking him over with interest were heating up his body. Izuku could feel slick already starting to leak out of him. He was mortified knowing that the doctor could probably smell it.

Katsuki could indeed smell it and it took every ounce of self control not to rip off that gown and ravish the omega and claim him right then and there. He couldn't help but release a bit of his own pheromones. The kind that seduce an omega.

"Why don't you lay down and I'll have a look at you. See if I can't find anything wrong. This exam isn't going to be very comfortable, but it might help understand your heat condition. I could call in a nurse if you'd like. Many omegas feel more comfortable with an omegan nurse present".

"No. It's ok. So what do you need me to do?".

The doctor brought up the stirrups from under the bed and propped them up. "Scoot down and put your feet in these freezing contraptions" he said as he tapped on the stirrups.

Izuku blushed crimson. The doctor would definitely see the slick now. Izuku knew he didn't have a choice. He needed his problem fixed. He scooted down and gently put his feet in each stirrup. His body releasing a bit of distress pheromones.

"Calm down Midoriya. I won't hurt you. I promise I'll make it as quick as possible".

Izuku nodded and covered his face with his arm. The doctor was about to discover that he was turned on. Midoriya wished a giant hole would open up and swallow him whole.

Bakugo did notice and the alpha in him reared his feral head. A low growl rumbled in his chest as he looked at the omegas perfect puckered hole that was dripping with slick. He wanted to taste it. Lick it. Drown in it.

Izuku heard the growl and his omega responded. His body heated up and slick started pouring out of him dripping down the examination table. Izuku could no longer control himself. He was going into heat. He pulled off the gown and threw it on the floor. He sat up and pulled Bakugo into his arms. "My Alpha!" He purred.

Bakugo lost all control as well. His alpha roared at him to claim his mate. Izuku was clawing at him begging his alpha to take him. Katsuki undressed quickly and gathered his omega in his arms. He kissed him roughly, grinding their hard members together.

"Please alpha" Izuku pushed his neck into Bakugo's lips. "Mark me alpha".

Katsuki rubbed Izuku's back as his hand made his way down to cup the omegas slick soaked ass. He inserted 2 fingers into the wet heat and moved them like scissors. He needed to stretch his omega out to fit his large staff. Izuku moaned clawing up his back.

"Alpha please! It hurts!" Midoriya begged.

"Ok Kitten. I'm making you ready for me". Katsuki felt that his omega was prepped enough and lined himself up pushing the head in gently. The two moaning in sync. Katsuki put the omegas feet over his shoulders and pushed in all the way. He almost lost it at the feel of the tightness that fit him so perfectly.

Katsuki knew he couldn't claim Midoriya until the omega had cum so he moved faster. His body dripped with sweat as he tried to hold back until Izuku reached his release. Judging by the sweet mewls and gasps from the slick drenched omega, Katsuki knew he was close.

"Alpha! So good! Harder! More!" Izuku was drowning in pleasure hardly caring about the sounds he was making.

Katsuki grabbed Izuku's small member and pumped it firmly. That was enough to send the omega over the edge. Izuku threw his head back dragging Katsuki with him. As the omega came, Katsuki bit down on his scent gland and buried his knot deep inside his omega. Izuku purred with contentment, overjoyed at finding his mate and being claimed.

It takes a while for the knot to deflate, so they used that time to chat a bit. Their heads had cleared and they laughed about their situation.

"Well this came as a complete surprise!" Katsuki laughed. "Who knew I would meet my soulmate on an otherwise normal day?". He looked down at his omega and got serious. "You're probably going to get pregnant from this. I know we don't know each other at all and it might be too soon..". He didn't really know what to say. He didn't want to put any pressure on Izuku to keep the pup if he wasn't ready.

"I've always liked the name Haru for a boy and Elena for a girl" Izuku said shyly. "I want this pup, alpha".

Katsuki was finally able to pull out. He kissed Izuku tenderly and wrapped him up in that cotton gown. He was going to wash him and give him proper after care. He was so gentle handling his mates sensitive opening that Izuku couldn't help but purr.

7 Months later: Elena Bakugo was born. She has dark green curls like Izuku and crimson eyes like Katsuki. Everybody in the hospital told them they had never seen such a beautiful baby omega. Katsuki kissed his mate as he held his precious baby girl in his arms.

Izuku smiled as his mate.. "I thought my body was cursed, but now I know it was a blessing. I found my mate and Elena is here all because of those pesky erratic heats".

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