Hit By a Quirk

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"Dammit Deku! What the fuck happened to you?" Katsuki snarled pushing the cute green haired puppy off his lap. It didn't take a genius for Katsuki to figure out that the emerald eyed dog that showed up at his front door was his longtime friend Izuku Midoriya. The problem is that Izuku isn't able to communicate with Bakugo at all. It seems like the quirk had completely turned him into a dog.

Katsuki had seen this kind of thing happen before and knew it was only a matter of time before Deku would change back to normal. The side effects usually wear off anywhere between 24 to 48 hours depending on the strength of the wielder. Bakugo had called their boss and let him know that he and Midoriya would be taking the next two days off to deal with this dilemma.

Just like in real life, puppy Deku would follow Katsuki around wherever he went. If Katsuki got up from the couch to walk into the kitchen, there was Deku happily jumping near his feet. "Stay!" Katsuki would command in a firm voice sticking his pointer finger at the little pup. Deku pup would put his tail between his legs and whimper until Katsuki gave in and allowed him to follow. "Stupid mutt" he would grumble while scratching behind Deku's cute puppy ears.

"No Deku, you sleep on the floor!" Katsuki had already given in to the puppy and allowed him to sleep in his bedroom. Deku pup had cried and scratched at his door until the blonde lost his temper and threw open his door to allow the pup inside his room, but he was in no way going to share his bed with Midoriya. Katsuki pushed the pup off the bed for the fifth time before releasing his quirk to send off two small blasts in his hands to release his frustration. "Fucking fine, but you stay the fuck on that side of the bed, Asshole!".

Katsuki awoke the next morning feeling rather warm. There was a comfortable pressure against his back and didn't want to admit that it felt nice not waking up alone, even if his companion was a dog. His sleep addled mind cleared quickly when he felt two arms wrap themselves around his waist and a soft tongue began licking the back of his neck. "what the fuck, Deku!" he snarled pushing the body away from him.

The sound of whimpering made him pause and look over his shoulder. His eyes flew open taking in the half dog half human form of Izuku Midoriya. Katsuki's brain could barely process what he was looking at. Deku's torso and legs were human, but the rest were still canine. "Can you talk, Deku?". Emerald eyes just stared back without any response other than tilting of the head. "Shit, I guess not".

Katsuki blushed crimson as he chased the Deku dog around his apartment holding a pair of underwear. "You need to fucking put these on, Deku! I'm tired of seeing your twig and berries running all over my house". Over the next few hours Deku had turned more human, his face was nearly back to normal, but he still had furry paws, ears, and a tail. His brain hadn't seemed to turn back at all either. Deku's reluctance to wear underwear made this already weird situation even more so.

Katsuki felt sick to his stomach over the amount of times his eyes had roamed all over his friend's firm muscular body. Deku still wanted to follow Katsuki everywhere including the bathroom. Katsuki would lock the door to shower, but would end up opening it because of all the racket Deku was making trying to get in. Katsuki tried to ignore the Deku dog who sat watching him lather up his body wagging his tail excitedly. "Fuck!" the blonde screamed inside his head when he noticed that Deku was sporting a large erection. "When are you going to get back to normal, Pervert!" he snarled at Midoriya throwing a towel over the dog's eyes.

Katsuki withheld dinner until Deku agreed to put on underwear. He sighed with relief once the subject of embarrassing interest was hidden from view. The rest of the evening went well. Deku curled up next to Katsuki on the sofa while the blonde watched tv. "Deku, what the fuck!?". Izuku had leaned over and was sniffing at Katsuki's crotch nudging it with his nose. He tried to push the greenette away, but was held down by two very strong arms.

"Deku, stop it!". Katsuki's body was betraying him in the worst possible way. Izuku had managed to pull down his shorts with teeth and was licking Katsuki's shaft. He couldn't move so he closed his eyes and let Deku give him the best head of his life. "Deku, I hope you don't remember this" he moaned as his entire manhood was being swallowed.

"Oh, fuck no!" Katsuki snarled as he felt Izuku's tongue go lower. Deku raised his hackles in response, his hands still pining the blonde's arms at his side. "Oh god!" Katsuki wanted to die from embarrassment as Deku started licking his hole aggressively. It felt so good that Katsuki didn't even realize that he had opened up his legs to give Izuku more room to let his tongue work its magic.

Deku released Katsuki's arms, spreading the blonde's legs wider and diving his tongue in as deep as it could go. Tears of pleasure streamed down katsuki's face, his hands grabbed silky soft ears as Deku ate him out like a first class meal. He was panting, all reason had already left the building as he lifted Deku's face and smashed their lips together. Tongues dueled and bodies rubbed against one another, the two wild for each other.

Katsuki didn't even offer up a protest when Deku lined his throbbing member up and thrust inside him. He threw his head back moaning lewdly as Deku picked up the pace ramming his large shaft in and out of Katsuki's heat. Both men were lost to passion, neither caring about the noises they were making. All they cared about was reaching their release that was seconds away. Deku's hips sped up, all Katsuki could do is hold onto the couch cushion while his ass was being pounded hard.

Deku's large cock rubbed up against Katsuki's prostate with each thrust. It all felt too good. Katsuki could feel Izuku's large head dragging across his sensitive walls before pushing up against his pleasure spot. "Fuck! Deku! I'm gonna cum!" His hips shot up as cum came spurting out of his tip onto his own chest. Seconds later he felt Deku's hips tremble as he released his hot cum inside of Katsuki. The two were so overwhelmed by the experience that they fell asleep, Deku still inside Katsuki.

Emerald eyes woke first. He lifted up his head and gasped at the sight of Katsuki's naked chest under him. "Oh my god, oh my god" he started to panic when he looked in between their bodies and noticed his dick was inside of his friend. He couldn't remember how long he had been out, but it didn't seem like that long ago. He had thought it was all a weird dream, but here he is, inside Kacchan. Kacchan had let him have sex with him.

"oh my god! He's going to kill me!" Izuku tried to back away slowly trying not to wake Katsuki. It would have been easier to slip away if his dick wasn't rock hard again.

"Mmm" Katsuki said in his sleep, thrusting his hips up taking Izuku completely inside his body once again.  "More" he said grabbing Izuku's ass.

"Kacchan!" Izuku said lightly tapping his friend's face. "Wake up".

"I want more" Katsuki said sleepily once again thrusting his hips up. Deku felt so guilty, but couldn't help moving his hips, thrusting in slowly. Being inside Katsuki felt so good. He was sure Katsuki would blast him apart later, but for now, he would give into his desire and fuck katsuki's brains out.

"Kacchan!" he said louder while thrusting in hard. "Kacchan, tell me it's ok" he moaned throwing the blonde's legs over his shoulder. That woke Katsuki up completely, crimson eyes taking in Deku's completely normal body. His eyes flew down to where their bodies were currently joined and back up to emerald eyes half lidded with lust. "It's fucking more than ok, Nerd".

"Kacchan!" Izuku moaned moving his hips faster. He was seconds away from cumming, but wanted to release with Katsuki at the same time. He grabbed Kacchan's member and stroked it quickly while thrusting away. "Fuck, Deku! Shit! So good!". Katsuki held onto Izuku's shoulders digging his nails into the pale flesh as his second orgasm rocked through his body.

"Kacchan!" Izuku sobbed breathlessly as his hips stuttered as his own release ripped up his spine.

After their breath came back to normal Katsuki pushed Izuku off of his body. "We have a lot to talk about, Deku". Izuku nodded trying hard to hold back tears. He knew Kacchan was going to say this was a huge mistake and they should forget it ever happened, but Izuku knew he never would be able to.

"Hey, chin up Nerd. We have to talk about how were going to tell everybody that were together now. I'm not the kind of guy to just give my milk away for free". Izuku flung himself into Katsuki's arms kissing him soundly. "Let's get washed up nerd. Since my ass hurts you owe me breakfast out".

"Whatever you want, Kacchan" he said holding his boyfriend in his arms with a smile so bright it could light up the night sky.

The End

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