My Wish

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BakuDeku Fluff

"Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight".

Izuku recited this poem looking up at the sky.  It was a cloudy night, but every once in a while the sky would peak through.  Just to the right of the bright full moon Izuku spotted the first star.  He closed his eyes and crossed his fingers.  "I wish Kacchan would fall in love with me".

The star looked like it twinkled, as if saying it had heard his wish.  Izuku smiled up at the star hoping that at long last his wish would come true.  He walked back inside his house with a grin in his heart and a spring in his step.  "Tomorrow is the day. I can feel it!".

Only it wasn't.  He and Katsuki have the same first period together and the blonde always showed up on time.  This morning his seat was empty. Was this fate telling him his love would always be unrequited?.

Izuku raised his hand and asked his teacher "Umm. Mr. Namura.  Do you know why Kacchan, I mean Bakugo, isn't here today?".

His teacher smiled over at him.  It was obvious that Midoriya is in love with Bakugo.  He couldn't believe that the hot head hadn't picked up on it.  "His mom called and said he's sick.  I guess he has a high fever".

'Oh no!' Midoriya thought. 'I need to go see him.  I need to make sure he's ok'.  Izuku stayed in his seat nervously tapping his pencil on his book.  He kept glancing at the clock willing the minute hand to move faster.  He wanted to get to Kacchan's as soon as possible.  He would usually never skip school, but some things are more important.

Finally the bell rang and he jumped out of his seat, his books already in his arms.  The teacher chuckled "Say hi to Bakugo for me".  Izuku blushed wondering how his teacher knew where he was off to.

On his way home he stopped by Kacchan's favorite ramen spot and bought his some chicken broth.  He knew Kacchan wouldn't be able to eat meat and vegetables when he has such a high fever, but the broth would do him some good.

Izuku noticed that there were no vehicles in the driveway.  He clicked his tongue realizing that Kacchan's parents had left him alone. He didn't want to knock and chance waking up the blonde, so he let himself in with the spare key they leave in the planter near the door.  The living room was quiet so Izuku guessed that Katsuki was asleep in his room.  He took the soup with him and made his way to Katsuki's bedroom.  He quietly let himself in and sure enough there was a sleeping Kacchan.  Izuku walked over and sat down next to his love and felt his forehead. Katsuki was burning up. Izuku went to the bathroom and wet a towel with cold water and placed it on the blondes forehead.

Katsuki woke up when he felt the cool towel, his eyes blinked a couple times trying to focus on who was there.

"Hi Kacchan.  It's me.  I stopped by to check on you.  I brought you some soup if you feel a little hungry.  It's just broth though".

"Deku?" He whispered.  "You should leave. I don't want you getting sick too".

"That's sweet Kacchan, but I couldn't just do nothing".


"Why what?" Midoriya asked.

Katsuki held his head, the fever was making it throb painfully.  "Why do you care so much about me?".

Midoriya stayed silent.  He wasn't sure how to answer that.  Should he confess?  He had taken such a long time to answer that he failed to notice that Kacchan had fallen asleep again.  Izuku leaned over the sleeping boy and whispered in his ear.  "I don't just care about you.  I'm hopelessly in love with you. I wish you could be mine".  Izuku sat at Katsuki's desk and quietly reviewed the material from first period.  He glanced over at Kacchan from time to time.

After a couple of hours the blonde woke up.  Izuku helped him sit up and fed him the broth that he had kept warm.  Afterwards Katsuki fell back asleep.  Izuku heard the front door open and went downstairs.  Mitsuki Bakugo appeared with medicine and soup for her son.  She smiled warmly at Midoriya and thanked him for looking after Katsuki. 

He smiled shyly, and went to go grab his books. He was about to leave Katsuki's bedroom when he stopped.  He looked down at the sleeping crimson eyed boy that he cared so much for.  "I love you Kacchan.  Get well soon".

A couple days later, Katsuki felt well enough to come back to class.  Izuku greeted him with a wide smile.  Katsuki took his seat next to the greenette and grabbed his hand tightly. He looked him in the eyes and confessed "I love you too, Nerd".

The blonde became blurry as tears filled up his emerald eyes. After a minute he was finally able to speak.  "I got my wish".

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