Rut Roh! (DekuBaku.BakuDeku)

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Dubious consent. A/B/O AU. Aged up. They are 20. Pro-heroes, but not important for story.

Izuku was jarred awake by the sound of someone pounding on his door. He rubbed his eyes, glancing at his alarm clock, frowning at whomever it was disrupting his sleep at 2 in the morning.

"Deku, you dipshit, open your god damn door!".

"Kacchan?" Izuku untangled himself from his sheets, practically falling flat on his face in his rush to get to the door. "I'm coming!" he yelled, finally getting his foot free from his blanket. He swung open his door finding a flush faced Bakugo, holding his groin. "Kacchan?".

"Shaddup, Nerd. Let me in". Izuku backed up, his large body making room for the other alpha. "So, me and the guys went to a bar we had no business going to. Shut up, let me finish!" he snarled when Izuku looked like he was about to scold him. "I let some shitty extra buy me a drink and he fucking slipped something in it".

"Kacchan!" Izuku cried, his arms reaching for the blonde.

"Shut it, Nerd!" he slapped Izuku's arms away. "So it turns out....the pill changes your secondary gender. Fuck" Bakugo's shoulders slumped "It's only temporary, but for the time being, I'm an omega. But that's not the worst part".

Izuku waited for Katsuki to continue, he began to worry more when Bakugo didn't speak "Kacchan, what is it?".

"I have a fucking pussy, Deku!" he roared, pulling down his pants, showing the alpha his business. "I..I" he blushed crimson, the words he needs to say just wouldn't come out.

"Kacchan, take your time" Izuku said, releasing calming pheromones, with a hint of arousal. The alpha couldn't help it. Bakugo's cunt looks delicious.

"The pill was laced with a fucking aphrodisiac! So not only am I an omega, but I'm in pre-heat! I couldn't think of anywhere safer than here, but this shit won't wear off until I cum. I tried to do it myself, but it won't work!".

"Say no more" Izuku growled low, his fangs already dripping with claiming venom. "Come here, Omega".

Bakugo stammered, his eyes wide as they took in Izuku's near feral form. He could barely breath from the rut pheromones the alpha was releasing. "Shit, Deku, I'm not an omega. Put those fangs away. Eeek!" he squealed as his body was roughly thrown on Izuku's bed. "Deku, what the fuck?!".

"My omega" Izuku snarled near Bakugo's nape. The blonde whimpered, not daring to try and stop Izuku when he's in a rut. Doing so could end up with him being taken brutally.

"Calm down, Alpha. I'll let you have me, but you can't be rough".

Izuku chuffed, his eyes getting darker at hearing the consent given by the omega. Using as much care as he could, Izuku undressed Katsuki and then himself. But he lost all control when he spread Bakugo's legs apart, that beautiful pussy glistening with slick was his undoing.

"Deku!" Katsuki yelped, his fingers digging into Izuku's shoulders. The alpha hadn't bothered with foreplay, he just grabbed-n- jabbed. All Katsuki could do was hold on to Izuku's strong back while being pounded ferociously.

"Mate" Izuku crooned, licking Katsuki's scent gland.

"Fuck that!" Bakugo shoved Izuku's face away from his nape. Since he's temporarily an omega, he could be marked, but he doesn't know what that means when he changes back into an alpha. Or could marking him make the change permanent? Either way, Bakugo didn't want to be mated to Izuku. Not that having the big nerd for a mate is a bad thing, but they are both alphas. That goes against their very nature. He also didn't want to remain an omega. Dealing with heats and pregnancy sounded like a nightmare.

"Pups. Pretty, strong, smart omega giving me pups" Izuku thrusting became erratic.

"Deku! Keep your knot out of my vag!" Katsuki snarled, his omegan fangs flashing with anger.

Katsuki froze, all fight left his body. He couldn't believe what he was feeling.

Deku had bit his nape. He had claimed him. The pain in his lower region let him know that he had been knotted.

He was Deku's mate.

He was Deku's mate.


"You stupid knothead!" Bakugo, punched Izuku in the face. He would have shoved him off, but the knot was still tying them together, and it would be excruciating to disconnect right away.

"Kacchan?" Deku shook his head, trying to clear away the fog from his rut. His face drained of all color when he noticed the claiming mark on Katsuki's nape, his eyes tentatively looking down where his knot was embedded deep inside his best friend. "Oh no! Kacchan, I'm so sorry! I couldn't help it!" he wailed, his face scrunched up, distress pheromones filling the room.

"Stop stinking up the place, Idiot! I'm the only one who gets to be pissed off right now, Deku! You fucking claimed me! You. fucking. Knotted. Me!" Each word earning the alpha a punch to the chest.

"I'm sorry, Kacchan!" Izuku cried even harder, the bed shaking from the strength of his sobs.

Katsuki rolled his eyes, his anger still palpable, but he also knew Deku would never purposely harm him. "Hey, let's go see Aizawa in the morning. He can tell us what to do. This might not be permanent, Deku".

"But what if it is?" Izuku blubbered, gathering Katsuki in his arms. "What if I just ruined your life?".

"How about we wait to find out if this is permanent first. If it is, then I start planning your fucking funeral......Deku, what the fuck?! Are you hard again?!".

"I can't help it! Kacchan smells so good!" he snuffled around Katsuki's scent gland, chuffing as he took deep breaths in, the omega smelling like cinnamon.

"You horny son of a bitch!". This time Izuku took his time, he made slow sweet love to his mate, his tongue and hands roaming over every inch of Katsuki's body.

"Well, I guess being your omega isn't all that bad" he grumbled, glaring at the mess that the alpha had left between his thighs.

Izuku gave him proper aftercare, the two going out for breakfast before meeting with Aizawa.

A funeral was set for the following week. All those who knew and loved Izuku would be attending.

HA! I had you there for a second.

The effects of the pill wore off the next day. Katsuki changed back into an alpha, but with one major difference. He was still mated to Izuku. That bond had not been broken. The doctors could only theorize that Katsuki had already been in love with Izuku before he had been turned. A theory that Katsuki adamantly denied.

Izuku felt horrible for claiming Kacchan against his will, the alpha couldn't eat or sleep for days. It took Katsuki confessing his feelings for the big overgrown baby, for Izuku to beam happily, eagerly celebrating them being new mates.

Izuku had bought a cake to celebrate their moving in together. He planned a romantic evening with chilled champagne and fancy takeout. Those plans flew out the window, when Katsuki pinned him to the door the moment Izuku stepped inside.

The next morning, Izuku blushed when he was seen limping into work, a large bite mark adorning his nape. Because Bakugo is nobodies bitch. (BakuDeku)

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