Prime Real-Estate

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BakuDeku Omegaverse. 

Izuku adjusts his suit, checking himself out in the mirror for the fifth time. He sighs, frowning at the mess of dark green curls on top of his head that outright refuses to be tamed. In the past he tried to straighten his locks, but gave up on it after smelling burnt hair. The omega had then gone to YouTube to watch videos on how to do it properly, but was turned off by how long and tedious the process is.

"Alphas think my curls are cute anyway" he nodded confidently into the mirror, winking at his own reflection. Izuku had to admit that being an attractive omega has been a major asset in his profession. People, especially alphas, respond more favorably when helped by a beautiful omega.

But Izuku is first and foremost, a professional. When working with a couple, he defers the decision making to the omega, giving them the attention, therefor letting them know he is no threat to their relationship. Although, there have been a handful of times when couples have asked him to join their beds and have even offered to become co-mates. He just laughs it off, pretending that they had been joking. The last thing he wants to do is offend a client.

Today's client is special. This listing is special. The commission he could earn from selling this spacious mansion will let him be able to go on that European vacation he's been dreaming of. The added money would be amazing, but what Izuku is most interested in is the drop dead gorgeous prime alpha, Katsuki Bakugo, who has been his pickiest client to date. Izuku must have shown the alpha 6 homes, but none have been up to his standards.

Katsuki Bakugo, aka Great Explosion Murder God Dynamite, CEO of Dynamite Ink, is a 30-year-old self-made billionaire. 1/3 of all professional athletes worldwide use his brand of sportswear. He only allows the best quality clothing and shoes to make it out of his factories, so any home of his needs to be up to his high standards. Even though the man has movie star looks, Bakugo does not have movie star charm. Izuku is the third realtor who has worked with him. The other two quit after becoming too stressed out from the pressure the blonde had put on them.

Midoriya has never been bothered by the hothead. Whenever Bakugo starts mouthing off, Izuku releases calming, flirty pheromones that seem to work very well on the alpha. It only takes a few whiffs and the hulking beast is practically purring in Izuku's lap. His pheromones have almost worked too well. There have been a couple of times when the alpha nearly lost control, his large hands had grabbed the omega, pulling him in closer to better inhale Izuku's scent.

Izuku had been so flustered the first time it happened that he needed to go outside to calm himself down. The smell of the alpha's burnt caramel pheromones had seeped into his shirt causing the omega to become painfully aroused. Thankfully Bakugo had been called away because an important client had wanted his approval for a new design for his line of sneakers. The alpha grunted over to Izuku, telling him that the house is a piece of shit and he expected better next time. Izuku had rolled his eyes looking around the 13.5-million-dollar mansion, thinking that only Bakugo could call this place a dump.

Izuku was certain this lavish mansion, selling at 15 million, would definitely please the alpha. It had every luxury a person could ever ask for. Indoor and outdoor pool, weight room, theatre, tennis court, and a spacious high quality kitchen. That is one thing the prime alpha had insisted on. Bakugo enjoys cooking and he would rather fuck pussy than prepare food in a subpar kitchen. The omega had chocked on his water when the alpha had said that. It had brought naughty thoughts to the forefront of his mind. He silently thanked whatever god was out there that he had been born a male omega.

Just then, the security cameras picked up a vehicle approaching the front of the house. It is Bakugo's dark orange Lamborghini making its way down the long driveway. Izuku stepped outside to welcome the alpha, and would start the tour by pointing out the beautifully manicured landscape.

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