The Lucky Burglar

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BakuDeku Omegaverse

Izuku woke with a jump. The omega's heart began to race as his ears picked up shuffling coming from downstairs. "Someone's in the house!" he squeaked. More noises of drawers opening and papers moved around made Izuku's body break out in panicky sweat. "Oh no, what am I going to do? I don't have anything to protect myself".

The human body responds to danger in three ways, Freeze, Fight or Flight. Izuku is the first. The pounding in his ears is making it impossible to hear anything. He stays under the covers, the sheet pulled up over his head, just hoping and praying that whomever is here will find what they are looking for and leave.

The tiny omega whimpers when he hears the door to his room open. He pretends to be in a deep sleep, so the burglar will quietly move around the room and leave. No such luck.

"Well looky what we have here" the deep voice growled from above him. Izuku squealed, his eyes wide open with fear. "Aren't you a pretty little thing. I think tonight may be my lucky night. How about I make you feel good little omega".

"G-get o-out" Izuku breathed heavily, his tiny chest heaving. He looked into crimson eyes that were devouring every inch of his body. For some odd reason, Izuku felt his body heating up at the hungry look from the surprisingly handsome alpha. "If I let you touch me will you promise not to hurt me?".

The intruder smirked, somehow making his face more attractive. "I can't guarantee this big boy won't hurt at first, tiny omega, but I can promise it will feel amazing". Izuku's eyes bugged out looking at the large bulge straining against the alpha's pants. "Submit" the dominant voiced echoed around the room.

Izuku whimpered, his body moving on its own. He found himself on all fours with his ass in the air, presenting himself to be fucked by the alpha. He couldn't help how his body trembled when he felt his underwear being pulled down, his fingers trembling in the covers, holding on while his most vulnerable parts are on full display.

"Shit, baby boy, you have the sexiest ass I've ever seen".

Izuku closed his eyes tight as the alpha grabbed his cheeks, squeezing them with his large rough hands. He couldn't help the shocked gasp that left his lips when he felt the alpha's tongue flick around his opening. "Mmmm" he moaned when the burglar's thick tongue dipped inside, stretching him open.

"You taste so sweet. I can't wait to fuck this tight hole". The alpha thrust two fingers inside, scissoring the omega open wider. Izuku stammered and yelped with each thrust that rubbed against his prostate. He hated that it felt so good when the situation was so fucked up.

Izuku grabbed the blanket tight in his fists. The alpha had gotten up on the bed, his pants lowered to release his manhood. Izuku didn't have to see it to know it was large. The alpha rubbed his dick back and forth, up and down to gather the slick to coat his shaft.

"Relax, Omega, I'm putting it in now". Izuku yelped when the alpha's penis pushed past the tight ring, tears slipping down his face. "I'll make you feel so good". The alpha's hips started moving faster, pushing himself deeper inside. He reached around, his rough hand finding Izuku's small cock, palming it while he plunged in harder.

Izuku's body involuntarily went wild with pleasure. He shocked himself when he heard his own voice screaming out "Harder! Right there! Alpha, more! Don't you dare stop! Ah! Mmmm! So good, Alpha! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Ahhhh!". His body shook with the strength of his orgasm, his body going limp from his release.

"Who said we're done, Omega" the intruder growled in his ear. Izuku's arms were tugged behind his back, his tongue rolled out as the alpha continued to pound him hard. Izuku lost count of how many times the intruder made him cum, each round more demanding and demeaning. Izuku was ashamed of how much he enjoyed being called a dirty cock slut, a cum dump glory hole. "I'm gonna knot you, Omega. Gonna fill you with my seed. Gonna pup you nice and good".

"No, not that" he begged, his mouth saying no, but his legs opened wider, his hips thrusting, pushing back onto the alpha's large knot.

"Too late, Omega" he snarled, his shaft going in as far as it could, the knot at the base of his penis slipping in to Izuku's slick soaked opening. Izuku yowled, his head thrown back as the alpha's knot latched inside, his belly rounding out from the alpha's seed spilling inside his womb.

They both collapsed on the bed, too tired to care that they are covered in slick and semen. The alpha rubbed izuku's back, trying to comfort the whimpering omega who's stuck to him until his knot goes down.

"Kacchan, if I get pregnant from this, promise me you'll never tell our pup they were conceived this way".

"What way, Deku?" Katsuki teased. "His pervy dam wanting an intruder fantasy?".

"Kacchan!" Izuku blushed crimson. "Just promise me".

"Fine, Nerd, your slutty secret is safe with me. Now your ass is another story" Katsuki said huskily, his hips moving inside his mate once again.

"Kacchan" Izuku moaned. "Next time you'll be the delivery man with a large package just for me".

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