My Successor

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BakuDeku Fluff

Hero Deku looked down at the small trembling body of the five year old female omega. His eyes softened as he opened his arms to the child.  "It's ok baby girl. You're safe now.  I promise to look after you from now on".

The little one squeaked and curled up into a ball, sneaking glances at the hero who had taken her from her burning home.  Tears started to fall as she remembered finding her mother's body before noticing the smoke filing up the room.  She tried to wake up her mom, but was unsuccessful.  She had laid down next to her, wanting to go to heaven with her, only to be snatched away by the green eyed hero.

"So what's this kids story?" Katsuki asked Ochako outside the burnt out husk that was once a home. 

"Her name is Alexandra. She's a five years old quirkless omega. Her mother, now deceased, was a victim of trafficking.  Looks like she took her kid and ran. Her pimp caught up with her and killed her.  The kid was lucky to be on the school bus at the time or she'd be dead too".

"Shit. She have any family?".

"None.  It's going to be hard to place her in a foster home.  Not many people want to adopt a quirkless omega".

Katsuki frowned at that. He thought of his mate and how hard Deku had it before All Might had given him One for All. Katsuki looked around wondering where his mate had gone. He found him swaying back and forth humming while cradling the young omega in his arms.

"Looks like the kid found her new home" he smiled at Ochako.  Katsuki knew his mate well enough to know that he had just added another child to his home.  He and Deku had two children already, but were told never to have another. Deku's last pregnancy had been very difficult.  They had discussed adopting another child with their kids. The two boys thought it was a great idea, and had brought it up on several occasions.  It never seemed like the right time with their very busy hero jobs. I guess destiny had her own plans.

"Alexandra couldn't have a better home than with you four.  I'm sure we can start adoption papers soon, but maybe you should talk to Deku first".

Katsuki walked over to Izuku, noticing the little girl had fallen asleep in his mates arms.

"Kacchan...I want...I just..."

"I know Kitten. If she's ok with it, we can take her home".

"Really Kacchan?!"

"Of course Kitten".  He looked down at the small child and felt his heart flutter.  She has dark brown hair and cute freckles on her cheeks just like Deku.  The child opened her eyes and stared up at him. Dark blue met crimson. 'Cute' Katsuki thought.

"I know who you are!" She sat up straight in Deku's arms.  "You're hero Dynamite!". She reached over to him, wanting to be held. Omegas are naturally drawn to alphas for comfort when scared.  Katsuki took her right away.

Alexandra snuggled into his embrace purring contently. Deku's eyes started to tear up again at the beautiful sight.

"Alexandra, I'm sorry about what happened to your mommy". The purring stopped immediately replaced by sniffles.

"I don't know mama too much. The bad man took her away from me all the time. She made me rice to eat and said she loved me. We left the bad man and came here. She said I could go to school. Make friends".

"She was a very brave omega. You should always be proud of her" Deku said rubbing the child's back.

"I will. I watched you on tv! You're an omega like me!".

"That's right sweetheart. Would you like to go home with me and Dynamite for a while?" Midoriya held his breath hoping the child would agree.

Alexandra broke out in a giant smile purring loudly. "Really?! I can visit!?".

Katsuki ruffled her hair "Sure Kiddo. We can go now if you want". The child nodded enthusiastically holding onto Katsuki tighter.

"I can't wait to tell Emily. She's my friend at school". Alexandra had never been in such a nice home before. Her childlike curiosity had her running all over the place. Katsuki made her a snack with a glass of milk. She couldn't help purring while tasting the sweet apples and oranges her mom could never afford to buy.

Kenji and Haruki, Deku and Katsuki's sons, ages 8 and 10, came into the house dumping their backpacks on the couch. "Mom! Dad! We're home! I'm starving!". They walked into the kitchen and froze looking at the young omega sitting at the kitchen counter. 'Cute!' They thought.

"Boys. This is Alexandra. She's going to be staying with us for a while".

"Sweet!" Kenji said smiling at the omega. "I've always wanted a baby sister".

"Me too!" Added Haruki. "Just wait Alexandra, mom and dad are going to spoil you rotten".

The young omega looked confused. "Sister? I could be your sister? How?".

"Easy" Haruki explained. "My mom and dad will be your mom and dad now".

Alexandra looked at them with wide eyes. "You want me to be family? I can stay here? Take care of me?".

Alexandra had never known the love of a family. Her mother had been torn away from her every day for hours. The abused omega barely had energy to make her child rice.  Alexandra had watched tv all day and seen happy families, but never thought that she could have one.  "I want that" she said sniffling. "I want that a lot". She reached for Katsuki again and he held her tightly releasing comforting pheromones.

Since Alexandra was so young, she quickly assimilated to her new life as Alexandra Bakugo. Over the years she excelled in classes and combat training. She pushed herself harder than everybody else trying to prove that a quirkless omega can become somebody.

One day she came home crying because an alpha had said she wasn't good for anything but a piece of ass. Katsuki held his daughter while she cried.  Later that night Deku and Kacchan had a serious discussion.

"It's time Kacchan. Frankly, I'm exhausted. I've been a hero for over 16 years now. Kenji is graduating and Haruki is already in college. I think it's time".

"Whatever you want Kitten. You know I'm more than ok with this". Izuku smiled at his mate kissing him softly.

"Alexandra! Can you come downstairs please!" Katsuki yelled up the stairs.

"Mkay dad!". Alexandra came down, her eyes still puffy from crying. "What's up?".

"I have a little story to tell you". Deku told her all about being quirkless, meeting All Might and inheriting his quirk. The young omega couldn't believe what she was hearing.  What her mom said next left her speechless, honored, then overcome with joy.

"Your father and I believe you are the right choice. You have more than proven your worth.  I have decided that you will be the next bearer of One For All. You, my daughter, will be my successor".

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