My Crazy Wish

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BakuDeku. Not smutty.

Class 1-A decided to take a class field trip to a carnival that had popped up in town a few days ago. Mina had come into class all excited saying that there were cool looking rides and an acrobatic show like Cirque Du Soleil. Everybody begged and pleaded with Aizawa to let them go after school that day. The tired looking teacher sighed heavily, but agreed to go if they bought him an elephant ear.

Later that evening a group of excited heroes in training piled out of their school bus and ran towards the ticket booth, eager to enter and go on as many rides as they could. Midoriya hung back with Shoto who didn't really want to be there. He's not crazy about crowds and couldn't see what was so exciting about a carnival. The greenette has always had patience with his introverted friend and wanted Shoto to have a nice time so he thought the two of them could hang out together.

"Wouldn't you rather be hanging out with Ururaka, Iida and Bakugo" Shoto asked in his usual dry tone.

Izuku shook his head and smiled warmly "I'd rather take my time to walk around with you". Shoto studied his friend, then shrugged when he couldn't see any sigh of regret on Midoriya's face.

The two boys wandered around the part of the carnival that didn't seem as popular. "What's that place?" Shoto asked pointing at a dark purple tent with a moon and stars hanging above the entrance. Midoriya shrugged his shoulders "I don't know. Let's check it out". It was dark inside and it took a few seconds for the boy's eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. They saw a small table in the middle of the tent with two chairs and a crystal ball in the center that was glowing red.

"Hello my young heroes" a wispy voice said from behind a dark red privacy screen. "I knew you two would be coming". An older woman came out wearing dark green robes and a black mask painted with red and gold roses. "Have a seat my strong brave friend" she said looking at Midoriya. "I shall grant you your inner most desperate wish, because your heart is pure and good".

Izuku and Shoto looked at each other with a small smile. "Go ahead, Midoriya. I'm curious what you would wish for".

Midoriya looked back at the woman and decided that there would be no harm in playing along. It could actually be fun. He sat down and took the fortune tellers hands when she reached out for them. She placed his hands on the crystal ball and closed her eyes humming low. She finished her incantation, then looked the young hero with a deep penetrating gaze "Think hard about what you would like your future to look like. What do you want most in this world? Think about that while I chant. I will tell you when to stop.

The hairs on the back of his neck were standing on edge. He felt like there indeed was a powerful force in his presence, but couldn't put his finger on exactly what he thought it could be. He closed his eyes and one vision kept playing over and over in his mind. He knew it was silly. It could never come true, but it was what, if ever he was granted a miracle, he desperately wanted to happen. Since that vision wouldn't leave, he decided to go with it and think about how wonderful it would feel and how happy he would be.

Midoriya was only aware of the chanting in the background of his thoughts. It wasn't a language he had ever heard of, but it sounded nice. Her voice was soothing, but full of passion at the same time. His heart felt full of joy thinking about this possible future and he didn't even realize she had stopped chanting until he felt a tap on his hand. "Open your eyes young successor of All Might. The old ones have found you worthy and your wish will be granted".

Izuku thanked her and wished her well. He didn't take her seriously because his wish had been too over the top. Although she did wink and say as they were heading out of the tent "Make sure you take your vitamins and get plenty of rest. You're gonna need it". He had paused at that. His eyes looked down and then glanced back to where she had been, but to his surprise, she had disappeared. "Let's go Shoto. I wouldn't mind getting a soda. My stomach feels weird all of the sudden and I'm craving ice cream".

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