Deku's Valentines Gift

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Deku turned off all the lights and lit several candles to set the mood. He had been planning this for the last two months, and was excited to put his plan into action. His heat hitting on Valentines Day was just the icing on the cake. It was a sign that what he hoped for would happen tonight.

He had texted Katsuki as soon as his body started heating up. He dressed himself and decorated the room while he was still conscious. He had also written Katsuki an important note confessing his desire.

Deku crawled onto his and Katsuki's bed, his breath coming out in pants. He felt too hot, his small cock aching for release that only his alpha could give him. A loud moan of frustration escaped his lips as he writhed on the bed. His mind fuzzy, his body inflamed, beads of sweat breaking out all over his arms and forehead.

"Alpha" he begged "Where are you!?".

Katsuki had rushed home as fast as he could. He knew Deku's heats hit fast and hard. He cursed himself for not taking the day off to be by his mates side. He stepped into their bedroom and was gut punched by the thick pheromones of an omega in heat . A feral growl rumbled in his chest as he watched his mate quivering on their bed.

"Alpha please!" Deku's cheeks were flushed red and he was mewling sexily at Katsuki.

"I'm here Kitten. I'm gonna take care of you".

"Alpha it hurts. I'm so hot!".

"Look at you, Deku. So sexy, so perfect". Deku purred in response to his alpha's praise.Deku was wearing a scarlet colored Teddy with matching panties. He had chosen that color because they matched his alphas eyes. The silk fabric molded perfectly to the omegas cream colored skin.

"Let me take care of you now, Kitten". Katsuki stripped off his clothes and flung them on the floor not caring where they landed. Deku whimpered as he gazed at this alpha's large swollen cock. He reached for it, wanting to take in inside of him as soon as possible, but was denied by his alpha.

"Why alpha?" Deku sniffled looking so hurt.

"Be a little more patient Kitten. Let me take my time to pleasure you". Deku smiled, once again purring contently. Nothing sounded sweeter to Katsuki's ears than Deku purring. Knowing he made his mate so happy made his blood burn hot.

He kissed his omegas plump lips, his tongue brushing over the lower half asking for admittance. Deku opened his mouth thrusting his tongue over his mates sharp teeth at the same time thrusting his hips up rubbing himself against his mates erection.

Katsuki held his breath for a second and kissed Deku's neck. His tongue glazing over the scar left from the bite mark that was proof of Katsuki's claiming his mate. Katsuki knew it was the omegas weak spot. It only took a few licks and sucks for the omega to leak wetness onto the mattress.

The smell of his omegas slick was driving him mad. "I'm going to take off your pretty outfit now, Kitten. I don't want to ruin it by accident". Deku raised his arms while Katsuki removed the Teddy. Deku laid back down and ran his fingers over his nipples, playing with the pink buds."Let me do that, Kitten". Katsuki took one pink nipple into his mouth and sucked gently. His other hand moved over the silk panties that were now drenched with slick. He rubbed his hands over the omegas cock and felt another spurt of wetness.

"Alpha Please! I can't wait any more!". Katsuki knew he couldn't wait much longer. His mate needed to cum soon. Deku lifted his hips while his alpha removed his slick soaked panties.

"I'm gonna taste you first before I put it in, Kitten. You smell so good, so perfect for me". Katsuki positioned himself in between his omegas legs and bent down to take a long loving taste of his mates twitching hole. Katsuki growled when more slick dripped onto his tongue.Katsuki thrust his tongue deep inside his omega, pushing it in and out of the tight ring of muscles. Deku was practically crying in ecstasy, another spurt of slick rolled down Katsuki's tongue and the alpha knew he had reached his own limit.

Grabbing his thick cock he positioned himself and pushed hard into his omegas sloppy heat. The omega shrieked with delight, finally getting what his body had been craving. Katsuki pulled back and thrust in hard again, practically pushing Deku off the bed.

"Ah! Yes! Alpha! Knot me!".

Deku always asked to be knotted during his heat, but before, they had discussed how the omega wasn't ready yet, so Katsuki never knotted him during his heat. "Sure Kitten" he said a little sadly. He wanted to see his omega swollen with his pup, but would never push his mate.

"Alpha! Ah!" Deku pointed at the note on the bedside table. "For you alpha!". Katsuki grabbed the note while still moving in and out of his omegas tight heat.The note read "Kacchan, I'm writing to you 100% heat free. I'm ready alpha. Knot me for real this time".

Katsuki paused while he read the note a couple times hardly believing what Deku had written. He was about to break down in tears when his mate started hitting him on the chest.

"Alpha! I need you! I need your knot!".

"I'm sorry Kitten. Hold onto me tightly". Deku wrapped his legs and arms around his mate while Kacchan thrust in at a dizzying pace. The alpha knew how to get his omega off, and now more than ever, was making his omega cum important.

Deku felt it building. The pleasure was too intense. He was sure he was about to pass out. "Alpha!" He screamed, his nails racking down Katsuki's back, as a strong orgasm ripped through his body.

Katsuki pushed in as deep as he could, slipping his knot inside, attaching himself to his omega's uterus. He released his knot, gushing semen deep inside his mate. So much hot cum penetrating the omega, distending his stomach, making him look 4 months pregnant already.Deku laid there fast asleep, but still purring contently in Katsuki's arms. After a bit, Katsuki's knot deflated and he picked up his omega and gave him proper aftercare.

The omega awoke a little while later, fully clean and dressed in a new red comfy pajama that had hearts all over it. On the left side there were two words that made Deku tear up. They read Mi Tesoro. "Kacchan" Deku said stroking the words "Thank you".

"Thank you, Kitten. For the best Valentines Day of my entire life" Katsuki said rubbing his mates belly. His omega's scent had already changed ever so slightly. Just enough for the dominant alpha to know that his omega was now expecting their first pup.

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