Cold Shoulder

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Izuku looked over the breakfast table at his husband who is holding his cell phone reading the morning news. This is how it's been for a while now. They sit at the same table, but they might as well be in two different rooms. They hardly talk anymore and when they do it's primarily about work.

Deku stirred his lumpy oatmeal that looks as appetizing as his married life. His heart constricts remembering how it used to be and the passion the two once shared. He can't even remember the last time the two had made love. Izuku hadn't a clue what he did to make Katsuki loose interest in him. He just started pulling away a few months ago and no amount of crying or fighting was working to resolve their problems. Izuku just couldn't reach his husband anymore. Is this their life together? How much longer can this go on?

"So" Izuku said clearing his throat. "We have the day off together in a couple days. Why don't we go somewhere special?". Izuku's heart dropped when Katsuki barely acknowledged that he had spoken. The blonde just shook his head and grunted "I'm busy that day" and went back to looking at his phone.

Izuku had enough. He was tired of being the only one still trying in this relationship. He didn't want a roommate, he wanted a partner, a friend and a lover. Izuku was getting more and more upset. "I haven't done anything wrong!" he fumed to himself "Why is he acting this way?!". He decided to say the one thing he hoped he never had to, but this had gone on for over half a year now.

"Kacchan, I don't know what is going on with us, but this isn't working. It's obvious to me that you no longer love me, so I think it's best that we separate. I can stay at Shoto's until I can find my own place. You can stay here or move out. Either way I'm done trying to save this relationship. I don't know what I did to make you stop loving me, but this just hurts too much so I'm leaving. I'll find a lawyer to start the divorce papers".

Deku grabbed his bowl and dumped it in the sink before walking towards their bedroom. His heart was racing at what he had just said, at the same time it was breaking into a million pieces. Katsuki hadn't come after him. He didn't say a word. "I guess he really does want us to be over". A painful lump formed in his throat as he grabbed a large suitcase and started filling it with clothes. "It's really over" he thought, tears now streaming down his face as he placed shirts and pants into the suitcase.

He walked over to the bathroom and grabbed his toothbrush, razor and anything else he would need for the next couple of weeks. He was sure Shoto wouldn't be at all surprised to see him at his doorstep. Izuku had confided in his longtime friend about the problems in his relationship. Shoto had offered him a room whenever he needed one. Since Katsuki still hadn't come in to stop him, he knew it was what his husband truly wanted. He wanted out of their relationship.

Suitcase wheels dragged along the wood floor, the noise echoing off the walls. Izuku could see the front door straight ahead. He would be passing right by the kitchen in full view of Katsuki. "Good" he thought lifting up his chin "He can watch me leave his ass". His hand grabbed the doorknob and he was about to turn it when a deep voice finally spoke to him.

"So you're leaving me just like that? Running off to that half-n-half bastard who I know has a fucking thing for you".

Deku was seething with anger "Just like that?!" he yelled. "What do you mean, just like that?! You've been cold towards me for months. I've been trying for months, Kacchan! This is not just like that. And don't you dare say something so gross like that about Shoto. He's been a good friend to me. He's been there for me when you pulled away. Just like that. Ha! Fuck you".

He reached for the door again, but found his wrist being yanked away. Katsuki pushed Deku up against the door pinning his arms above his head. Deku glared into crimson eyes that were inches away from his own. "You don't think I know how a man looks at someone he's interested in, Deku?! I know he wants what's mine and I'll never let that happen. You're mine until the day one of us dies, Deku!" he snarled.

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