That Chick's a Dude?

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BakuDeku. No quirk AU.

Katsuki was trying to talk over the loud music thumping around the dance floor. His parents had gotten divorced and he had started causing trouble in school, getting into fights and skipping class. His parents decided to send their only child off to his cousin's home in America. They thought a change of scenery and an uncle with a tight fist could straighten out their rowdy son.

So now here was Katsuki Bakugo in Los Angeles California. He didn't care much for the sunshine state. Too many cars, smog and fake smiles. His cousin, Shoto, had dragged him out of the house to come to the local dance club. Katsuki had zero interest in being there, but had been guilted into coming. He was looking around the dance floor when a hot piece caught his eye.

This girl was average height. She has shoulder length green hair that was pulled up into two cute pig tails. Long slender shapely legs moved around the dance floor with rhythmic perfection. She had on a short black mini-skirt with a small red shirt that showed off her belly ring. Plump lips were glossed up and pink blush tinted freckled cheeks. The cute bundle locked eyes with him for a second, but that was long enough for Katsuki to be enthralled with the most beautiful emerald eyes he had ever seen.

"Shoto, do you know who that is?" He asked nodding towards the greenette. Katsuki knew his cousin is popular with both sexes and was a regular at this dance club.

"No" was Shoto's short reply.

"What was that?" Katsuki smirked over at the bi-colored male. "An ex of yours?".

"It's means no. Midoriya is off limits to you. Trust me, Midoriya isn't your type".

"Why would you say that? She's totally my type. Come on, introduce me".

"No means No, Katsuki. If you'll excuse me, there is a guy I'm interested in over there".

"You do you, I guess" Katsuki said shaking his head as he watched his cousin walk over to an attractive looking guy. "I don't find guys hot at all" he scrunched up his nose at the thought of some guy's dick in his face. "Nope". He walked over to the bar and ordered a beer with his fake id. He was about to walk away when a sweet smell of tangerine perfume caused him to pause mid stride.

"Hey Alfonso, can I get a bottled water? Dancing makes me thirsty". Katsuki turned to watch that cute green bean fanning her face while still bumping along to the beat.

"I'll get that" Katsuki smiled at the girl whose name Shoto said was Midoriya. He pulled out his wallet and handed the bartender the money for the water. "Thanks" Midoriya said looking Katsuki up and down. The blonde smirked back liking the fact that this cutie was checking him out.

"My names Katsuki Bakugo. I'm Shoto Todoroki's cousin" he said extending his hand.

"Ah, Shoto's cousin. Nice to meet you. I'm Izuku Midoriya" she smiled back flirtatiously.

"Shoto told me not to talk to you, but I couldn't resist. You wanna go upstairs and play pool?".

Midoriya frowned towards Shoto who was looking at the pair hard. "Why would he say that?" he asked Bakugo.

"He said you weren't my type or some bullshit. So you wanna?" he pointed upstairs.

"Sure" Midoriya replied still looking over at Shoto who was shaking his head. Shoto made a circle around his crotch and shook his head again. Midoriya understood at once. "Hey, maybe it's not such a good idea. I don't really want to leave my friends and Shoto is giving me the evil eye. Take care" Midoriya said quickly before disappearing into the crowd.

"What the fuck?!" he yelled at his cousin. "Why do you have such a problem with me talking to her?" Bakugo had pulled his cousin aside roughly. "Explain yourself?" he growled.

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