Surprise Heat

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Deku Bowl!

Deku was feeling a bit apprehensive at the thought of spending the entire weekend with his classmates and close friends. He is hiding a secret, that if it got out, could mean his expulsion from UA. His secret? Izuku Midoriya is an omega.

There are no omega's in the hero program, for one reason only, an alpha's command can force them to submit leaving them completely vulnerable to villains. Them going into heat is another vulnerability, but one that an omega can predict and therefor hide themselves away in the safety of their homes until their heat is over.

How has Midoriya hidden the fact that he is an omega? Because he has been labeled a recessive omega. One that may or may not present as an omega at all. Since Izuku is 18 and has yet to have a heat, he figures he just won't be a fertile omega and will kept telling everybody that he is a beta. He sees no harm in that, because he is recessive, an alpha's command hasn't really worked on him. Not in an obvious way. When he submits, his classmates just think its's because he's a bit of a wuss.

So why is it that Midoriya is nervous about going away with his classmates? It all has to do with anatomy. Male omega's have the figure of a male, although less bulky, but one thing is very different, Izuku has a vagina.

Izuku was beyond relieved when entering his dorm room at UA, he saw that they all have their own private bathrooms, complete with a shower and toilet. He wouldn't have that privacy on this weekend away. He would be bunking with his five friends in a small cabin near a lake. Aizawa thought they could all use a break after dealing with the recent villain attacks. The teacher noticed that some of the students were taking it very badly and needed to get away before having a mental breakdown.

So there Izuku is, standing outside the cabin holding his All Might duffle bag and pillow praying that everything will be ok.

"Oi, dumbass!" Katsuki snipes, kicking the back of Izuku's knees making the omega stumble. "Get the fuck inside and pick a bed".

Izuku glares at the alpha's retreating back, grumbling under his breath about how rude Kacchan is. His smile returns when he sees that two of the bedrooms have private bathrooms. He quickly chose the bed closest to the bathroom and begins to unpack humming merrily.

"Do you mind if I bunk with you, Midoriya?" Kiri's warm voice drifts over to him making the smaller male shiver. To say that Izuku finds Kiri attractive is a gross understatement. The redhead makes Izuku's toes curl and if he could produce slick, he would be gushing around the hardening hero.

"Sure" he replied blushing shyly. Kiri noticed the blush, causing him to blush as well. There is something about Midoriya that he is drawn to, but can't explain it. Alpha's aren't usually attracted to anybody who isn't an omega.

A low growl interrupts their mutual innocent flirting. Izuku's eyes fly open watching Bakugo toss his things on the bed closest to him. Izuku was shocked that Kacchan would chose to room with him, when there are two other rooms available. It's no secret the blonde doesn't really like him all that much, Katsuki tells him to die or that he's annoying on a daily basis.

"What are you doing in here, Bakubro? All the other beds taken?".

"Why the fuck can't I chose to be in here? You have something planned for you and the nerd, Shitty Hair?".

Kiri's eyes dart over to Midoriya, his face matching the color of his hair. "What a thing to say, Bakugo. Izuku and I are just friends".

"Yeah, right, and I'm a cuddly teddy bear. Everybody knows you wanna fuck him".

"K..Kacchan!" Izuku stammered covering his face with his hands. "Don't lie like that. It's mean. Can we just get along this weekend, please?".

"I don't fucking lie, Deku" he snarled back, glaring at Kirishima.

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