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BakuDeku Vampire Fluff

Katsuki sat in his early morning college class at the god awful time of 8:00 am. "Too damn early in the fucking morning" he grumbled to himself. Another student walked in and slumped down in his desk, yawning before putting his head down against the cold wooden desktop.

"Morning Bakubro" Kiri said trying to stay awake.

"Don't call me that, Shitty Hair" he growled in response.

"Dude, it's too early for you to get mad. Let me drink my coffee first". Katsuki turned his head the other way and stared at the green haired boy who was busy watching something on his phone. As usual, the greenette looked like hell. He always has deep bags under his eyes, like he hasn't slept well in a century. Katsuki was curious about this new student who had just transferred a couple months ago.

Katsuki had only heard him speak one time and that was when he first transferred and had introduced himself as Izuku Midoriya. He has a timid voice with a cute accent. Katsuki can't place it, but it almost sounded Scottish. Either way it was sexy. Katsuki has a type and this boy fits the bill. Small build, cute face and a plump rear. Unfortunately, Izuku doesn't seem to be interested in anybody. He rarely speaks unless he is called on in class. He sits alone in the cafeteria, usually accompanied by a thick novel.

Katsuki has tried to talk to him in passing, but Midoriya casually glances over to him and nods politely and goes back to reading or looking at his phone. Bakugo is an attractive male and can't understand why this guy wouldn't be at least interested in being his friend. People were always trying to press themselves all over him.

Bakugo's eyes widened when he noticed Midoriya hiss as he grabbed his stomach. The pale boy looking even more so today. The bags under his eyes more pronounced than usual. "Could he be sick? Should I offer to help take him to the nurse?" he wondered. His heart was racing at the thought that this emerald eyed cutie could be suffering.

As Midoriya winced again, Katsuki decided to act. He walked over to Izuku and got down on one knee to face him. "Hey, are you ok? You don't look so good".

Green eyes flicked his way "I'm fine. Don't worry about me".

"You don't look fine" Bakugo retorted bringing his hand up to feel Midoriya's forehead.

"Don't touch me" Izuku hissed turning away from Bakugo.

"Sorry". Bakugo put up his hands in surrender. Midoriya hadn't felt hot, but frozen cold. "You should go see the nurse".

"I said I'm fine" Midoriya glared back. Bakugo's breath hitched when those green eyes suddenly flickered black. He shook his head thinking it was probably just a fluke caused by the lighting.

Bakugo went back to his desk, but kept glancing over towards Midoriya. "Dude, he's not interested. Stop embarrassing yourself. You can have anybody else you want, so knock off trying to seduce this one" Kiri said chuckling at Katsuki. Crimson eyes glared back and Kiri knew better than to further provoke the hot headed blonde.

The bell rang and everybody got up to go to their next class. Katsuki noticed that Midoriya was taking a long time to pack his books away. Katsuki was sure any second the smaller male was going to pass out. "Oh for fucks sake!" he huffed in his head.

"Let me fucking help you" he said, not bothering to wait for an answer. He grabbed Midoriya's backpack and flung it over his shoulder. "I'll walk you to your next class". Midoriya finally didn't argue with him, but didn't say thank you either. "You're a little shit aren't you? Why is it so hard for some people to ask for help?".

"Do you?" Midoriya replied. "You don't seem like the type to ever ask for help".

Katsuki smirked down into green eyes. "So you're finally speaking more than a couple words to me huh? And to answer your question, yes I ask for help. I have a Spanish tutor for your information. I suck at learning a foreign language and got help".

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