Claiming My Stepbrother

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DekuBaku. Omegaverse.

Inko stood at the kitchen counter rubbing her forehead with frustration written all over her face. Her whole body was tense as she stared at her son-in-law who had surprised her by coming home from his boarding school for the weekend. The same weekend that Inko was going away with her husband on vacation.

Both Izuku and Katsuki had picked the worse time to come home for a visit, but in Izuku's case it was a necessity. It wasn't safe for him to be around other people right now, especially omegas.

"Look Katsuki" Inko sighed heavily "Izuku is home for a few days, but he needs to be left alone. He's in rut and having you here while you're in pre-heat is dangerous".

"What the fuck?! Gross! Like that shitty nerd's, umm, I mean Deku..shit, Izuku's pheromones would have any effect on me. I didn't even know he was an alpha until this very minute. I thought he was a basic bitch beta".

"Just promise me you'll stay away from his room" Inko gave Katsuki her most firm mom look, hand on her hips and everything.

"No problem" Katsuki saluted her with a giant smirk on his face. "You don't have to worry, Auntie. You know I only go for dominant alphas, not scrawny girly alphas".

"That's the problem here" she muttered under her breath. Inko huffed looking at her watch, her mind in turmoil as to what she should do. Her husband is waiting for her at the airport, but Izuku and Katsuki are both vulnerable right now.

"You promise you'll stay away from him? This is serious, Katsuki. I'm not fucking joking".

Katsuki paused at hearing his mother-in-law swear. Inko never swears. For the first time he realizes that Inko is really worried for some odd reason. "I promise. Dang".

Inko nodded, picking up her purse and suitcase. "I'll be holding you to that, Katsuki. I need to leave now. Izuku has food in his mini fridge so he won't need to come out of his room. Maybe you should take the time to fill yours as well".

"Not a bad idea. I'll do that".

"Ok. Take care Katsuki. I really need to leave or I'll miss my flight".

"Then get the fuck out of here" Katsuki laughed holding the door open for Inko. "Everything will be fine. Have fun with my old man".

"Just don't have 'fun' with my son" Inko muttered, walking out the door.

"Pfft. As if" Katsuki chuckled, shutting the door behind Inko. "I'm not gonna fill my fridge. No reason to. That puny alpha won't be a problem for me. Shit, I'm a prime omega. I have more control over my instinct. Plus, I'm not attracted to shitty Deku. Sure he might be kinda cute and tall, but I like 'em big. I haven't seen him in months since he went off to a different boarding school. How much could he have changed anyway?".

Later that evening Katsuki's body started to ache. He knew his heat was starting soon, but wasn't in a rush to go to his room. He wanted to finish watching his favorite show on the big screen tv in the living room instead of the smaller one in his room. He did pause it to run to his room to grab his favorite blanket that his alpha friend had scented for him. Kirishima is a nice guy who smelled good, but since he is just a regular alpha, Katsuki wasn't interested in him as anything more than a friend.

He walked passed Izuku's room, jumping when he heard a low growl, feral in nature that for some weird reason made Katsuki whimper in response.

"Omega" Izuku panted loudly "Mate. Breed".

"What the fuck, Deku?!" Katsuki yelled at the closed door separating the two. "Fucking knot headed alpha. Use your god damn toys!". Katsuki walked away from the door quickly. Maybe Inko had been right in warning him to stay away. He flushed when he felt his pussy slicking, throbbing with need. He hissed in disgust at his own bodies betrayal. "I must be pent up".

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