Worth the Wait

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BakuDeku. Fluff.

They have a certain understanding, Katsuki and Izuku, that they are to keep their relationship a secret at all cost. You would think that would cause problems in any relationship, but not theirs. You see, Katsuki Bakugo is the son of a very wealthy and powerful family, and with wealth comes expectations from the only heir of the Bakugo fortune.

Marrying a woman, and one whose family is equally wealthy and powerful are parts of those expectations. Both of those check marks are impossible for Izuku Midoriya to fill. First off, he is not a woman, and second, he does not come from a wealthy family.

The two had met in High School. They attended the same boarding school, that thanks to Izuku's father being one of the teachers, Izuku was able to attend for free. They were assigned to be roommates, and at first they didn't get along at all. The brash blonde was always yelling about Izuku's side of the room being messy or that he stayed up too late playing video games.

Izuku was the shy, sweet and caring person who easily cried when the blonde yelled at him, or made fun of his bland taste in ramen. Izuku went out of his way to avoid being in his room at the same time as Bakugo, instead spending the majority of his free time with his father or his close friends, Shoto Todoroki and Tenya Iida. When he did go back to his room, he made sure to be as quiet as he could. It was exhausting always walking on egg shells around the blonde.

Katsuki noticed how his nerdy roommate was staying away, and felt bad about how he was treating the timid greenette. He had been told many times that his personality can be too much, and because of his wealth, he can be a spoiled asshole too. He hated to admit it, but he missed seeing those emerald green eyes light up when Izuku was excited about beating another level of his video game or removing the plastic wrap from the latest volume of the manga he collects.

What made Katsuki feel the most amount of shame, is the main reason for his harsh treatment of his roommate. Katsuki is attracted to him. From the moment their eyes met, Katsuki knew Izuku Midoriya would be trouble. His soft curls, sweet smile and dusting of freckles on his cheeks are adorable. Those eyes, damn, so beautiful. Katsuki could lose himself in those green pools, happily drowning in them.

But no son of the Bakugo empire is gay. The scandal would send the board into a frenzy, surely causing Katsuki to be rejected for the role of president of the company. The blonde had been born and raised to one day take the helm of the company, and his being in love with a man would be career suicide.

Bakugo just can't help falling for Izuku's shy charm. One spring day, the cherry blossoms were open, pink blooms exploding all around them, when he took Midoriya by the hand and apologized for his behavior, and confessed to having a crush on the greenette. Izuku had been stunned, but he couldn't help falling for Katsuki too. Bakugo had been more gentle with him recently, and had even invited him and his friends to hit the town together.

Fast forward a few years. Izuku is behind the wheel of a sleek red Lamborghini Huracan that Katsuki bought him last week. The gorgeous vehicle is one of five luxury cars his lover has bought him over the past few years together. Parking in the underground garage, Izuku jingles the keys in his hand, pushing the elevator button that takes him up to the main floor of their very own apartment building.

The doors open, and in the way of the exit is none other than Mitsuki Bakugo, Katsuki's mother. Her arms are folded across her chest, eyes narrowed and a familiar smirk of disdain sits of her regal face. "Midoriya, just the person I wanted to see. We need to talk".

Izuku was pretty sure what Katsuki's mom was here to talk about, but kept his nerves in check. This was expected and Izuku needed to play his part or ruin the plans they had for the future. So he nodded, leading Mitsuki towards the dining room. He politely asked one of the house maids to please prepare a light snack and bring the two some tea. The young lady smiled, departing with a small bow.

Once the maid had gone, Mitsuki turned her shrewd eyes towards Midoriya "I'm not a fool, young man. I know you and my son are not just high school friends. You do not buy a building for a high school friend. You do not buy them fancy cars and trips around the world. I know you two are in love, but I'm here to warn you not to get in the way of my son's future. He is to take over the company next year. He cannot do that with you by his side. I came as a curtesy to you, to let you know that I have told Katsuki that he needs to marry in the next five months or I will give the company over to his bastard cousin, Monoma Neito".

The side door opened, a tray table wheeled in, carrying finger sandwiches and green tea. Izuku smiled kindly as the maid poured the tea, adding three sugar lumps just the way he likes it. She didn't add any to Mitsuki's tea, because the blonde prefers her tea unsweetened. Bitter, like her personality. Izuku continued their conversation once the young lady had departed.

"I have no plans on getting in Bakugo's way. He is free to marry whomever he wishes. I'm merely his friend, Madam. He spoils me out of pity. My father passed away a couple years ago, and he has been trying to fill the whole in my heart with things, since he isn't emotionally able to. Being compassionate makes him uncomfortable" Izuku chuckled, taking a bite out of a tiny sandwich. "I guess I'm a bit of an asshole for taking advantage of his emotional constipation. So, Madam, have you chosen a wife for him?".

"Not yet" She sat back in her chair feeling the tension leaving her shoulders. She was sure Midoriya would throw a fit, cry and threaten her by outing her son to the world. Mitsuki slumped down in her chair, running her fingers through her long blonde hair, she sighs heavily. "Look, Midoriya, I know this sucks, ok. I love my son and I want him to be happy with the person he loves, but this company employs a lot of people. Katsuki is the only one smart enough to run it. Monoma would for sure bankrupt us within months. Thousands of people would lose their jobs. Fuck, can you just...I don't know...wait a little more for him?".

"I am very aware of what is at stake, Mrs. Bakugo. So does your son. Madam, do you know who Lady Kyouka Jirou is?".

Mitsuki sat forward with interest "Of course, she is the heir to the largest talent agency in Japan. What about her?".

"I think she'd be an excellent wife for your son, don't you?".

Mitsuki cackled, her eyes lighting up with glee "You smart son of a bitch. She's perfect". Jumping up out of her seat, she grabbed her purse and made her way towards the exit. "We have a wedding to plan! Thank you, Midoriya. You....you are very good for my brat. Tell him to call me when he gets home".

Months go by, and the night arrives when Katsuki Bakugo is to wed Kyouka Jirou. Izuku helps Katsuki straighten his tie, making sure the blonde looks perfect. You would think that the lovers would be angry or hurt by the day's events, but all is going according to their plans. So Izuku stands by Katsuki's side as his best man, beaming with a smile at Katsuki's bride to be that is dazzling in a white dress with a gorgeous train.

Jirou hands the rose bouquet over to her maid of honor, a beautiful brunette named Momo Yaoyorozu. The two smile at each other, Momo nodding her head once to reassure her friend. Jirou nods back, taking Bakugo's hands in hers. The ceremony is short and the reception lavish. The families sparing no expense to give their children the wedding of their PR's dreams.

Time Skip: Two Years Later.

CEO Katsuki Bakugo to divorce CEO Jirou Bakugo, stating loss of affection. Since the two are in charge of their family's businesses, they haven't had time to spend with each other. Once in charge, Katsuki fired board members whom he felt didn't have his best interest at heart. Once he had a board he trusted, he introduced Izuku as his fiancé. Jirou did the same with her company. She and Momo eloped to London, taking a month holiday to celebrate finally being able to be together.

Izuku and Katsuki married a few months later, they had a small intimate ceremony on the beach in Maui with a few family and friends in attendance. They danced in the moonlight, holding each other close. "I'm so happy, Kacchan. You were so worth the wait". 

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