A Very Naughty Kitty

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The doorbell rang, startling the kitty hybrid from his lazy slumber. Deku had been stretched out on the floor, warming up in the ray of sun that had managed to sneak through the blinds. He had been having a wonderful, sexy dream about his human, and was now pissed off that the good part had been interrupted by whomever was at the door. He let out a low yowl, a warning sound that meant that he would be giving the intruder a piece of his mind.

"Behave, Deku," his owner, Katsuki, had said in a stern voice. "Shitty Hair is going to be spending the evening with us." Deku received a harsh glare because he had yowled again, his tail swishing back and forth in irritation. "Do you want to stay in our room for the rest of the evening?" Katsuki asked in a tone that made Deku curl up his tail around his feet in submission.

"No, Master" Deku replied, his voice contrite, but his eyes belied the truth. The kitty is pissed off. Deku can't stand it when Kirishima comes to visit. His master ends up forgetting all about him, and spends the evening listening to his friend yammer on about his boring life.

They also sit too close to each other for Deku's liking. This Shitty Hair human likes to touch his master, smile at him, and, this ruffles his fur the most, hugs his Kacchan. Deku doesn't want to be banished to the bedroom, so he shoves his annoyance down and sits on the couch like an obedient kitty.

Deku's eyes glare daggers at Kirishima as the redhead walks into their home and has the audacity to put his arms around his master! The hybrid jumps off the couch, and leaps into Katsuki's arms once Kiri has back away from his owner. His emerald eyes narrow menacingly, making it crystal clear that he finds Kiri touching his master unseemly. Deku reels in the hiss that threatens to escape, knowing for sure that will lead to him being dumped on their bed and left alone for the evening. No, Deku can't leave these two alone. What if the shitty human tries to touch his master even more since he isn't around to keep them separated?

Kiri smiles warmly, putting his hands up, backing up a step. "Don't worry, pretty kitty. I'm not making the moves on Bakubro."

"Master doesn't like that stupid nickname," Izuku hisses, his arms hugging Katsuki tighter.

"Deku, shut the fuck up. I made your favorite dish tonight, but bad kitties don't get dinner."

The hybrid turns those big beautiful emerald orbs towards his master, tears already brimming near the corners, his cute plush lips trembling from the heartbreak he feels at being scolded by his Kacchan.

"Fuck," Katsuki sighs, holding Deku closer to his chest. "Spoiled fucking dipshit. Can you try and be nice? I also made your favorite dessert."

The green haired hybrid's ears perked up, a loud purr echoed around the room. He peppered Katsuki's face with kisses, then nuzzled his soft head under his master's chin.

"No wonder you spoil him, Bro. He really is cute. He's one of the prettiest hybrids I've ever seen."

Deku looked over at Kirishima with surprise. Shit stain thinks he's that pretty? Deku looks the other human over, his eyes roaming over Kirishima's muscular form. The reason the kitty hates Kirishima so much more than his master's other friends, is because he's more attractive than the rest. If anybody could steal Kacchan's affections away from him, it's shitty hair.

"Tch. Don't encourage his bad behavior. Deku needs to learn how to share my attention. Hey," he says jostling the kitty in his arms "Can you be a good kitty and be nice to both of us tonight?"

Deku nods enthusiastically, but as soon as Katsuki turns around, Deku gives Kiri a hard stare that clearly tells the redhead that he didn't mean a word of that. Kiri sighs with relief when the delicious aroma of Katsudon wafts from the kitten into the dining room where the kitty and he are waiting for Katsuki to join them with bowls of fried pork cutlets.

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