TodoBakuDeku. Angst!

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Title: Look at me, Feel Me. I'm Here.

Main Character Death (Kinda). A/B/O AU. 

It happened, but it never should have. Shoto, Katsuki and Midoriya were studying for their entrance exams, when Izuku's heat came on all the sudden. The omega in all his preoccupation with the big exam had forgotten to take his suppressant that morning. The smell of an omega in heat made the alphas lose control, the two ravaging Izuku, knotting him and biting his scent gland, claiming the omega as their own.

Izuku had left early in the morning before Shoto and Katsuki had woken up. His body was sore and his belly hurt from the semen that had never been removed. Very carefully he made his way back to his room to bathe and get ready for the school day. He would also need to visit the nurse to ask for the morning after pill. There is no way he's getting pregnant this young.

As he washed his body, the evenings event played in his mind. The omega didn't regret what happened, but was shocked that it had happened. Usually alphas can reign in their hormones long enough for them to see the omega to the safety of their nests. Only alphas who have strong feelings for the omega tend to lose control like Shoto and Katsuki had. Does that mean the alphas like him? They must if they fucked him all night, and hell, they had both claimed him!

The thought of having two mates as strong, handsome and intelligent as Todoroki and Bakugo sent pleased shivers up his spine. Izuku knew he liked them, but wasn't sure how they felt about him, but judging by the way they took him so passionately, they must like him too.

So it was a douse of cold water when he was pulled aside before class, the two alphas telling him that what happened had been a colossal mistake and that it should never have happened. They apologized over and over. Shoto pushed his credit card at the omega telling him that he will pay for the mark removal.

Izuku put on his most dazzling smile, hiding the inner turmoil and devastation from the two. "Ok, thanks, Todoroki. I'll make sure to get that appointment made after school. I'm on my way to the school nurse for the morning after pill right now. I'm just sorry this happened. I was careless with my suppressants. You two go to class. I'll be along shortly".

The two watched Izuku walk away, both worried about how the omega's legs were a bit wobbly. "Should we take him to the nurse?" Shoto asked.

"I think it's best if we give him some space. He might not want to be around us right now. We royally fucked up and he's too nice to call us out. We need to think of a way to apologize properly".

"We fucked up, Bakugo. I wanted us to court him properly after we graduate".

"I know. Maybe we need to talk to him about the mark removal. It can be dangerous for omegas. Maybe he'd be ok keeping it?".

"Let's get to class. We can talk to him later, Aizawa will kill us if we're late". The two hurried along to class, fully intending to talk to Midoriya later.

They never got a chance.

It was 20 minutes into class when a sobbing Midnight came in carrying a gray cloth. The class gasped as the teacher handed it over to Aizawa. Their teacher taking it, somberly looking towards the empty desk where Midoriya sat.

"No!" Ochako burst into tears "What happened?! Sensei, what happened to Midoriya?".

Midnight and Aizawa couldn't speak. He made his way towards Izuku's desk, placing the gray cloth covering the omegas desk. A symbol of an omega who has dropped and is near death. Aizawa had tears in his eyes as he smoothed the silky material over the table, making sure the cloth was straight and even. Once it was to his approval, he broke down. His favorite student, the class ray of sunshine is on his deathbed.

"This is our fault!" Shoto stood up in front of the class. "Bakugo and I claimed him by accident. He's probably so sad that it happened. Sensei, we need to be by his side! We can help. I don't know, we can apologize again, scent him..I don't know....I need to be with him!".

Bakugo just sat there frozen. Silent tears running down his face as he stared and stared at the grey cloth adoring his omegas desk. He had done this. He had taken Izuku when he was so vulnerable. He had broken the omegas trust, and now because of his stupidity, Izuku might die.

"NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NOOOOO!" Bakugo roared when another teacher came in, this time carrying a black cloth. Toshinori walked over on shaky legs to replace the grey with the black. The class now all sobbing as Toshinori lit a black candle, setting it in the middle of the desk.

He lifted his head, his alpha howling with pain for his lost successor. The rest of the class joining his voice as they mourn the loss of their most precious classmate. Bakugo couldn't handle it, the loss of his mate became too much. His head began swimming, he knew he was about to pass out, he welcomed it. Anything to take him away from this nightmare for a while.

"Kacchan. Honey, wake up".

"No, Deku. Please, I'm sorry" the alpha's body is shaking, tears leaking from his eyes. "Please don't leave me!".

"Kacchan!" Izuku shook his mate awake. "It was just a dream. I'm here, my love. Everything is fine".

"Zuku?" Katsuki blinked, his eyes adjusting to the darkness. "I had that dream again" he sobbed, crushing his mate in his arms. "It always feels so real".

Shoto moved to the other side of Katsuki, the two holding the blonde, scenting him heavily. Whenever the three have a bad argument, even if they have resolved it, Bakugo has a recurring nightmare where he loses Izuku.

"It's ok, Kacchan". The omega kisses his alpha "It was just a dream. I love you, Kacchan. Take a deep breath". Bakugo looks into glossy emerald eyes, his emotions still too raw. He bursts into tears again, his brain not completely believing that where he is now is real.

Izuku knows his mate needs time. He rests his forehead against Bakugo's. Emerald finding Crimson. Slowly the blonde's breathing becomes normal, his eyes relaxing. "You're doing good, my love. Look at me. Feel me. I'm here".

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