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"Those exams were tough! Aizawa really stepped up his game with that course". Kirishima was laying face down on Katsuki's bed. Denki curled up beside his friend rubbing his back. He too looked tired and stressed.

"Let's get some food delivered and watch a movie. I don't want to think about anything for a while". Deku grabbed some menus from Katsuki's desk, rifling through them until he found the restaurant he was craving food from. "Pizza! I wanting meat lovers. That ok with you guys?".

"I want to be able to shit tomorrow, Nerd. Order a vegetarian one for me".

"Ok Kacchan. One meat lovers and one vegetarian coming up". Deku placed the order from outside the room because the guys started arguing loudly over which movie to watch.

"I want beer with my pizza" Kami pouted after losing out on his choice of movie. "Pizza tastes better with beer".

"We're underage, Dunce. Where are we gonna get beer from?".

"I happen to know an upperclassman who will buy it for us. He charges a small fee, but it's worth it".

"How much is this fee?" Katsuki asked gruffly.

"Just enough to buy himself a six pack and some smokes".

"Call him, Dunce. I need to relax after today and a cold brewski will hit the spot".

"What will goody goody say?" Kiri snickered. "You think Deku would rat us out?".

"Nah, he likes me too much to do that".

"When you say like, what kinda like do you mean Bakugo?" Denki smiled coyly at the blonde.

Katsuki blushed before snarling at Denki "Get your head out of the gutter, asshole!".

Deku walked back in smiling until he noticed the ambiance in the room had changed. It felt awkward. "What's going on? Did something happen?".

"Nothing, Nerd".

"Ok" Midoriya said unconvinced. "Pizza will be here in about 20 minutes. Everyone needs to pitch in 7 bucks each".

"Will you cover my part today Kiri?" Denki asked twirling the redheads hair between his fingers.

Kiri blushed at how close Denki's face was to his own. "Ok, but you owe me a coffee tomorrow". Denki's bright smile made Kiri's face turn even more red. Katsuki and Deku looked at each other, eyebrows raised at the flirty scene playing out before their eyes.

"So what movie did we decide on?".

"We haven't yet. I'm not in the mood for action. I was thinking comedy or a romance".

"Romance, Shitty hair?" Katsuki teased.

"What's wrong Bakugo? Afraid you'll cry in front of us?".

"You want to die tonight!".

"Calm down Kacchan" Deku put his arms around Katsuki's waist, leaning his head against the blondes back.

Katsuki's eyes widened as a moan escaped his lips. Denki sat up straight, a brilliantly teasing smile on his face. "Did you just moan Bakubro?".

"Shut it Dunce Face! I did no such thing!". Katsuki was beyond mortified that his body had reacted to Deku's touch in front on his friends.

Just them Deku's phone pinged alerting him that the pizza had arrived. Everyone chipped in and sent the greenette on his way.

"Bakugo, level with us. Do you like Deku?". Denki asked with what looked like hope in his eyes.

"I already told you no. Why would I like that nerd?".

BakuDeku One Shots (Sometimes 3somes, Dekubowl)Where stories live. Discover now