Our Little Secret

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Izuku loved going to basketball games on Friday nights at his high school.  Their team was doing very well this season thanks to their new power forward Katsuki Bakugo.

The girls on the sideline cheered for the handsome crimson eyed player.  They giggled and waved at him, but never got a response.  The girls at the school thought that maybe he was just stuck up and he thought they weren't good enough for him.

Only Izuku new the truth.  He had met Katsuki a few weeks ago when his family moved into the house next door.  Katsuki seemed to enjoy his company and they had become close friends, but only when they were at home.  At school they were to pretend like they didn't know each other.  At first that hurt Izuku's feelings.  He knew he wasn't in the popular crowd, but he did have a nice group of friends.  Katsuki would make excuses like he just wanted to keep some things a secret.  Midoriya let it go and decided to enjoy the friendship for what it was.

One night their relationship took a drastic turn.  Katsuki had invited Izuku over to spend the night.  His parent's weren't home and he wanted the greenettes company.Izuku was excited to spend so much time with the boy he had started to fall in love with.  He would never confess those feelings to Katsuki.  He was sure their friendship would end right away.

They spent the evening watching movies, eating junk food, and playing video games.  The clock struck midnight and the two decided to get to bed.  Katsuki lead Izuku to his bedroom, where the freckled cutie thought he would find a futon set up for him.  Instead he watched Katsuki pull back the covers of his queen size bed.

"Umm Katsuki.  Where should I sleep?  Should I sleep on the couch downstairs?".

"No, Nerd.  You're sleeping next to me".

Izuku blushed crimson.  His eyes darted to the bed and back to Katsuki a few times.  "You want me to share your bed?".

"Sure.  What's the big deal?".  Katsuki undressed in front of Izuku until he was just in his underwear.  Izuku's eyes were glued on Katsuki's perfect body.  His mouth went dry and he found he was having a hard time swallowing.

Katsuki smirked as he got under the covers.  "Strip Nerd.  I'm tired, so get your ass in bed already".

Izuku turned off the lights and got undressed quickly.  He was glad that the darkness hid the tent that had formed in his underwear.  He crawled in next to Katsuki and faced away from him.  He knew it was going to be a long night.  How could he possibly sleep next to his crush?

Katsuki pressed up against his back and whispered in his ear. "Hey Nerd.  I know you want me, and I want you too.  So why don't you let me fuck you a little".  Izuku couldn't believe what he was hearing and turned around to look at Katsuki.  The blonde bent down and kissed Izuku roughly, his hands exploring every inch of the greenettes body.  Katsuki ended up making a mess out of Izuku two times that night.

At the breakfast table Katsuki said something that broke Izuku's heart.  "This is our little secret.  I don't want anybody finding out about this.  Got it?".

Izuku felt humiliated.  He had given Katsuki his virginity and was sure things would be different between them, but apparently he was wrong.  "I won't be used by you!" He screamed.  "I'm not anyone's dirty little secret.  I have some self respect Katsuki!".  He got his bag and started for the door.  "Don't worry about me saying anything. I wish it never happened and I wish I had never met you asshole!".  Izuku slammed the door behind him, tears streaming down his face. He had never felt more stupid in his life.

Izuku stopped going to basketball games with his friends.  He made the excuse of needing to do homework.  When he passed by Katsuki in the halls he would ignore him by looking at his phone or talking with his friends.  Katsuki had tried to call him and text, but Izuku had blocked his number, because fuck him.

Katsuki felt like shit.  He never meant to hurt Izuku.  He wasn't ready to come out of the closet yet.  He was afraid it could hurt his chances of being recruited by a college team.  There aren't many openly gay players.  The blonde missed Izuku terribly.  He wanted to make things right, but Freckles kept ignoring him.

Later that day his teammate Kirishima came up to him at his locker.  "Hey Bakugo.  I'm gonna ask this cutie out today.  I'm nervous, but excited".

"Oh yeah?  Who's the cutie?".

"Izuku Midoriya.  He's so cute, and smart, and those eyes of his.  Fuck.  So beautiful".

Katsuki glared at the redhead and dropped his backpack with a loud thud.  "You stay the fuck away from him.  He's mine!".

"What?!  Since when?".

"It doesn't matter when.  He's mine so back off!" He snarled.

"Katsuki!" Midoriya stood there shocked.  His eyes teared up and he turned to run away.  Katsuki caught up and grabbed Izuku in his arms.

"I'm sorry Nerd.  Please forgive me". Katsuki held him tightly, almost desperately.  "I wasn't ready before, but I am now.  I've missed you so much. Izuku, please.  I need you".

The hallway became more crowded as the people gathered around to watch the spectacle before them.  People were whispering their shock that not only is Katsuki Bakugo gay, but in love with Midoriya.

"You have some serious ass kissing to do Katsuki".

"Whatever it takes Nerd. Just say you'll be mine".

Midoriya blushed as he kissed the man he loves.  "I guess this is no longer our little secret".

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