The King's Concubine. DekuBowl.

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Izuku Midoriya had been scrubbed clean after his night with the king. He is one of 6 concubines living at the palace. Izuku is the newest concubine to join the king's harem. He had been at the market with his mother when the king's carriage had passed by. The King demanded the driver stop, his finger pointing at the omega, commanding him to be taken to the palace as one of his concubines.

Izuku's family had not been pleased. They are not some lowly peasants, but part of the royal court. Izuku's parents demanded their son be released, the King agreeing, but only after the omega stays with him for at least a year. Izuku's parents are rich and powerful, but not enough to challenge the King, so they concede, giving his Royal Highness one year.

Izuku's night with King Bakugo was more thrilling than he expected. The man knows much about pleasure and how to please omegas. The King spent the entire night showing Izuku how to pleasure his body and how omegas like to feel good too. This education will serve him well all too soon.

Izuku was shown to an elegant room adorned with silks and lewd gold statues of naked omegas. A large nest sat in the middle, various pillows and blankets were strewn around haphazardly, but still looked oh so cozy. Izuku wanted nothing more than to dive into that soft nest and nuzzle around. He desperately needed sleep after the all night pounding he took from the King.

Doors to his left swung open, a group of 4 omegas came in giggling holding hands. They were rubbing their bellies and humming contently, Izuku guessed they must have just came back from breakfast. Izuku had already eaten, the King made sure he ate after being cleansed. A gorgeous pink haired omega noticed Izuku, her eyes lighting up. She rushed over to great him, her pleasant scent calming Izuku's nerves. He wanted these omegas to like him.

"Sisters, we have a new brother! Welcome! My name is Mina" she smiled softly, leaning over to scent him.

"Thank you!" Izuku smiled back sheepishly, scenting her in return.

"You smell heavenly" she moaned, pushing her nose in his scent gland "Sisters, come, he smells like fresh cinnamon pastries". One by one, they lined up to greet him. Each nuzzling his gland, purring at the sweet scent. They all introduced themselves before pulling him towards the nest.

In no time, Izuku was inside the nest being snuggled. Mina ran her fingers through his soft curls, purring to lull him to sleep. They understood his need for rest, each having spent many nights with the King and experienced firsthand the alpha's large sexual appetite.

Izuku was awoken by the anxious murmurs from the omegas. He rubbed his eyes, blinking to clear his vision. Inside the nest on the opposite side was a stunning male omega. Half of his hair is snow white while the other a deep red. Izuku's breath hitched when glassy eyes connected with his. Not just any eyes, but heterochromic, one grey and one blue. Izuku has never seen such a beautiful omega.

Izuku instinctively crawled over to comfort the omega who is in distress. His flushed face and heavy breathing indicating that he's in heat. "We must call the King!" Izuku looked around at the omegas "This omega needs him".

A soft and cute omega that Izuku remembered being named Ochako replied with anger "Our King will not mate with us during our heat" she frowned as she watched her fellow omega suffering "He doesn't want bastard children. He will only heat share with the Queen".

"Oh" Izuku frowned, not liking that at all. "So how to do you take care of each other? Toys, fingers and tongues?". He still couldn't believe the King could be so cold and uncaring towards his concubines.

"Unfortunately not" A green haired omega named Tsuyu said, holding the bi-colored male's hand. "Our bodies know it's not the same as a real penis". Her eyes brimming with tears as she watched her brother whimpering with need.

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