Their Loss is My Greatest Gain. Deku x Monoma.

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Deku x Monoma. Third Years at UA.

Izuku couldn't believe his ears. His entire class was glaring at him, all eyes accusing him of negligence. Angry shouts blared around the room, fingers pointed at him, blaming him for Kirishima being in the hospital with grave injuries. Izuku had tried his best to defuse the situation, trying to explain calmly why he hadn't been the reason why the bridge had collapsed on top of Kirishima, that the structure had already been coming down before he had even reached the bridge.

Aizawa too had tried to come to Izuku's defense, but the eye witness accounts were enough to convince the class that Izuku's use of OFA on the already fragile structure was the reason the hard cement blocks had fallen on Kirishima, crushing the hero who barely had time to power up his quirk at the last second. Thankfully he had, otherwise the red haired hero would have died instantly. Instead, Kiri had been placed in a coma until the swelling on his brain came down.

Izuku couldn't help the tears that ran down his face every time he had to sit alone in the cafeteria. He had been removed from the group chat, and hadn't been invited to any movie nights. When he wasn't in class, he spent the majority of his time alone in his bedroom. He didn't know how much more he could take. The only one who hadn't abandoned him completely was Shoji. The tentacle hero had tried to sit with Midoriya, but the greenette didn't want to have him being ostracized by his classmates, so Izuku sent him away.

All seemed hopeless until one morning, when he was walking towards the empty table near the back of the cafeteria, he heard a voice calling out his name. He whipped his head around, hoping to see a friendly face from one of his classmates, when to his surprise, he saw Itsuka Kendo waving him over. It took his brain a hot minute to reboot, he even looked over his shoulder to see if she had been waving to somebody else.

"I was talking to you, Midoriya," she chuckled, waving him over again.

Smiling shyly, he clutched his tray and made his way over to the table that is full of class 3B students. Tetsutestu moved over, offering a seat beside him. Izuku's lip started quivering at the friendly gesture, his lonely heart beating quickly for the first time in days. Taking his seat, he glanced at all of them, his gut twisting wondering if they were about to blast him with a million questions and make him feel worse than he already did.

Thankfully they did not. Instead, they offered him warm smiles and friendly pats on the back. The only one that hadn't offered any kind of welcome was Neito Monoma. The blonde had never held back his disdain for class 3A, so Izuku wasn't surprised that he hadn't welcomed him at the table. Izuku was grateful that at least Monoma hadn't told him to get lost.

"I see those dumb fucks are still treating you like shit," Sen Kaibara clicked his tongue, shaking his head while looking over at a table where Uraraka, Momo, and Denki were sitting.

"They should be ashamed of themselves for treating their classmate with such contempt," Ibara Shiozaki said haughtily. "From what I've heard, the official report hasn't even been finished. They should be comforting you regardless. I don't know you well, but your reputation shows that you are selfless and put your friends above yourself. How could they possibly think that you were negligent?"

"Thank you for saying that," Izuku's shoulders sagged with relief. "You don't know how much it means to me. You are all being so kind even though our classes are rivals."

Kinoko Komari snorted, pinching Izuku's cheek softly. "We all know you're a wonderful person, Midoriya. Why don't you transfer over to our class? We'd be happy to have you. Wouldn't we?" she asked the group. Everybody nodded their heads enthusiastically. Well, everybody but Monoma.

"Do you all think that the great Midoriya Izuku, the last carrier of One For All, would actually join our class? You know good and well that class 3A thinks they shit roses and we are just the shit under their shoes."

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