Cam Boy Katsuki

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I still get nervous every time user DekuFox requests a private session with me. It's not that I don't like it, but because I fucking love it!  He's my favorite customer and I never hesitate to approve his requests.

My name is Katsuki Bakugo, AKA Dynamite, and I am a cam boy. I've been taking off my clothes and jerking off for strangers for about two years now. Not to sound like I'm bragging, but I'm the top cam boy on I make a lot of money and have several sponsors who keep me in a very comfortable lifestyle.

Why do I do this? Why do I need to sell my body for money? One word, tuition. I plan on becoming a lawyer and law school is very expensive. I didn't want to graduate with a ton of debt, so here I am, on the internet with a dildo up my ass on a fairly regular basis.

So what's so special about DekuFox? Shhhhh. I'll let you in on my little secret. DekuFox is one of my college professors. He's the teacher we all have wet dreams about. Smart, articulate and drop dead gorgeous. He has these emerald green eyes that make me hard when they glance my way. His body is well toned and his skin is sun kissed from exercising outside. His voice isn't like mine that is low and husky, but a warm timber that can relax your soul effortlessly.

He had my heart the moment I sat down in his class and I vowed that one day he would be mine, but until then, I will enjoy seducing him with my body online.

Professor Midoriya has no idea that Dynamite is one of his students. I always cover my face with some sort of mask. If anybody ever found out about my job, I would be kicked out of law school so fast. Not because what I'm doing is illegal, but it would cause a scandal. Who would want a lawyer who was once an online whore?

I still remember the day that one of my subscribers asked me for a private session. He had spent plenty of money during my live streams, so I figured I owed him some one on one time. If he turned out to be a total pervert I could always block him. 

Imagine my surprise when the camera turned on reveling that DekuFox is none other than Izuku Midoriya, my ethics professor. How ironic, an ethics professor jerking off while watching me finger my hole. I have to be honest, this was a dream come true. How many dirty thoughts had I had about Midoriya already and now it was gonna be his turn to have nothing but lewd thoughts about me. Sure he didn't know it was me, but I am still tickled knowing that he would be thinking about Dynamite all day. 

8 p.m on the dot. I turned on my computer and focused the camera on my bed. He'll be joining me shortly and I want to look perfect for him. He had requested a special outfit and had it delivered to my P.O. Box. I opened the package and was pleasantly surprised that he would be into this kind of thing. 

He had sent silk black panties, sheer stockings with a garter belt and a short black teddy. I hadn't ever worn ladies lingerie before and it felt very sexy. Especially because Midoriya had picked it out specially for me. 

Ting! My computer let me know that my special guest was joining me online. I sat leaning onto one side posing sexily for my hunky professor, hoping he would love the way I looked for him.

"Good evening Foxy. I've been looking forward to seeing you all day, Lover" I purred gliding my hand down the silky teddy. "Do I look pretty?".

"You're perfect Dynamite. So sexy for me. Do you like this outfit or should I buy you another? Whatever you want Kitten, I will get for you".

"I love it. The silk feels wonderful against my nipples".

"I wish my lips were sucking on those perfect peaks. Your chest really is too sexy".

I preened under his praise. The mental picture of my professor licking up my belly until he came to my nipple, biting it gently before taking the bud into his mouth, made me rock hard. 

BakuDeku One Shots (Sometimes 3somes, Dekubowl)Where stories live. Discover now