You've Got a Match!

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BakuDeku. Fluff.

"Kacchan" Izuku whined, his big doe eyes batting innocently at Katsuki. "Please. I don't have anybody else to go with and I don't want to go alone! It's embarrassing".

Bakugo rolled his eyes, crossing his arms against his chest as he took in the pathetic attempt to guilt him into an evening that he knows will be pure hell. "I don't wanna go to some shitty speed dating bullshit event, Deku. It'll be filled with d-list, moronic, desperate, shitty extras".

"Kacchan, please". Izuku pushed his face into Bakugo's chest, making the blonde's breath hitch. "I promise to do whatever you want if you go with me".

"That's a dangerous promise, Shitty Deku. What if I make you do something you don't wanna do?".

"There is nothing I wouldn't do with you, Kacchan" Izuku whispered. His face flaming, hoping Katsuki didn't hear what he had said. "I'll owe you whatever you want, Kacchan. I know you wouldn't make me do anything illegal" he said louder, his face still flushed.

"Tch. Fine, Nerd" he held up his hand when Izuku started bouncing up and down "But you owe me big for this. I can't believe I'm going on some pathetic dating spree".

Later that evening the two entered the foyer to the hotel where the speed dating event was taking place. A pretty young lady practically ran over to them, a wide smile on her face as she greeted Izuku. "Hero Deku! I'm so glad you came. Once I told people you were going to be here ticket sales soared. We sold out fast! Oh!" she said beaming at Katsuki "Hero Dynamite?! I didn't know you would be here too! Oh poo, I wish I had known, the advertisement would have been off the charts if we had known two of the most eligible bachelors were attending".

"I invited him at the last minute" Izuku chirped happily. "I hope everything runs smoothly and I get a match or two".

"Or a dozen" she giggled, lacing her arms around the two handsome heroes. She couldn't help grinning smugly at her co-worker as she walked past that sniveling bitch who didn't believe she could pull of an event on her own. "Take a good fucking look, Chiyo. I've got the two hottest bachelors on my arms" she smirked as she walked past her co-worker.

She left them to go up to the podium to make an announcement. "Gentlemen, thank you all for coming out tonight. Numbers 1-20 please take your seats. A gentleman will sit in front of you. You make light conversation until you hear the bell ding. Then you take a minute to fill out a form and say whether you want to meet with that person again. If you do and they are in agreement, we will send you each other's personal information".

Excited murmurs broke out as some of the men took their seats. Katsuki could feel his balls crawling up into his body as he took a look at all the extras that he already knows he has no interest in. The one person he is interested in invited him to this hell hole to begin with. His frown deepened when he noticed how many eyes are on his damn nerd. He really can't blame them, Izuku is a powerful, rich, gorgeous, sexy twink. A mischievous grin turns up the corners of his mouth. Oh he is going to make sure none of these extras are a threat to him keeping what's his.

Katsuki takes a seat diagonal from Izuku. The nerd has his back to him, but Katsuki can see his potential dates perfectly. He and Izuku wouldn't be leaving their seats, but men would be rotating to sit in front of him and Deku along with the others who had sat down first. An attractive young man wearing an expensive designer suit sat in front of Izuku, the douche made sure to flash his gold watch at the young hero.

Katsuki barely payed attention to balding beardo sitting in front of him. He just gave him a bored look and said pass, not giving a damn about the guy huffing in annoyance. Bakugo gave two shits about him, but was instead laser focused on what was going on at the nerd's table.

BakuDeku One Shots (Sometimes 3somes, Dekubowl)Where stories live. Discover now