Jirou's Secret.

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Jirou couldn't help herself. Every Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday nights, her ear jacks were pressed to the wall listening to what was going on in the room next door. She knew it was a massive invasion of privacy and that the two lovers would be livid and mortified if they ever found out, but it was just too hot to miss out on.

She would sit in the common room, pretending to do her homework, secretly watching the couple to see when they would excuse themselves. They would leave at different times, so their relationship could be kept a secret. Neither one ready to be out just yet.

Jirou's heart beat faster as she watched Midoriya yawn, stretching his arms up and announce he was too tired to study anymore and he was going to bed.

"You don't have to tell us every dang time, Nerd" Katsuki snapped with a slight blush tinting his cheeks.

"Sorry, Kacchan" he replied timidly.

"Tch". Katsuki's eyes would subtly dart after his lovers retreating back. Jirou knew it was going to be rough when Katsuki bit his lip and balled up his fists. He was feeling extra frisky, and Jirou couldn't wait to hear it.

Sure enough, 15 minutes later, Katsuki slammed his books closed and left without so much as a good night to anyone. Jirou would excuse herself a few minutes later. She didn't want to miss any part of it. She couldn't believe that none of her classmates had picked up on Midoriya and Bakugo's relationship. Sure, they weren't flaunting it, but she would sometimes catch them smiling at each other from across the room. Jirou admitted to herself, that she liked keeping this secret. It made it dirtier, and she loved that feeling.

Very quietly, she opened her door and shut it ever so gently. She took off her slippers and tiptoed over to her bed that had been pushed up against the wall. She made herself comfortable, meaning she got completely naked, as she prepared to share the erotic experience with her unsuspecting classmates. She could hear everything so clearly, like she was in the same room as the two lovers. Jirou pinched her nipples, loving the sight of the erect buds. It made everything even more dirty. She closed her eyes, listening intently, images of the two clear in her mind.

"Let me do it all tonight, Deku. I want to cherish every inch of you".

"Yeah? Ok, Kacchan. I trust you".

"Lay down on the bed, Nerd. Let me take off these socks".

"Kacchan, that tickles!" Midoriya giggled. "Kacchan, mmm". Jirou knew Katsuki was sucking on Midoriya's big toe. She could hear Katsuki's wet tongue licking and his lips smacking as he worshiped Midoriya's feet. She could hear the sounds of a belt buckle being loosened, hips lifting up and pants being thrown on the ground.

"Fuck, Nerd! You're already wet. You want me that badly".

"Yes, Kacchan. I've been thinking about you all day".

"Slut". Jirou could hear shirts being removed. Izuku sighed as Kastsuki kissed his neck. Midoriya hummed as Bakugo slammed their lips together. Jirou was getting hot at the sound of wet tongues dancing around. She touched her own lips pretending she was Midoriya being kissed by Katsuki.

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