Rody x Deku with a Twist

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"Hey Izuku! Are you ready for an adventure?!" Rody Soul waved at Midoriya while standing next to his two seater plane.

"Oh wow! You bet, Rody!". Midoriya ran over to his friend hugging him tightly. "When you said we were going on a little trip, I thought maybe a car ride, but this...Where are you taking us?".

"That's a secret" he winked. Rody had arrived at UA a few days ago and had been staying in Midoriya's dorm room. As oblivious as always, Izuku had no clue that Rody had fallen for him. Everybody else knew. Rody's quirk made it impossible for him to hide his feelings. Pino, his bird that is attached to Rody's soul, was always making moon eyes at Midoriya.

Izuku climbed into the plane with a giant grin plastered on his face. He was always up for going to new places. Rody easily made friends wherever he went and always found the hot spots for food and entertainment.

Being with Rody was exciting for several reasons. One of them was a little confusing for Midoriya. He would feel hot and a bit flustered whenever Rody sat close to him or smiled at him in a certain way. He found himself becoming aroused whenever Rody came back from the shower in only a towel, his auburn hair still damp letting water drops trickle down his toned tan chest.

Rody climbed into the pilot's seat and buckled himself in. Pino fluttered overhead chirping excitedly. The young pilot looked over at Midoriya and placed his hand on Izuku's thigh. "Let's go have some fun together" he smiled seductively, leaning closer to Midoriya.

The greenette could barely breath. His lips were aching to brush against Rody's, but was afraid he was reading his friend the wrong way and embarrass himself. "The hell with it" Midoriya said, giving into his desires. He grabbed Rody's face and kissed him soundly on the lips. He was elated when Rody kissed back passionately. Midoriya opened his mouth to let Rody's tongue enter. Their tongues danced until they stopped to catch their breath.

"Thank god it wasn't just me wanting you" Rody huffed, his cheeks pink and lips swollen. "I've been wanting to kiss you since I first got here".

"You did?! I had no idea. I'm a bit confused myself. I've never had these feeling about anyone but Kacchan before".

"Bakugo huh?" Rody smirked at Izuku.

Izuku turned beet red. "Not that we would ever, I mean Kacchan would never, I couldn't" he muttered covering his face. "Can you just forget I said anything?".

"I'm the one you're with right now, Izuku. You chose me, so why should I be jealous. Right?" Rody asked tipping Izuku's chin up, kissing him again.

"Yes" Izuku sighed breathlessly. "I'm with you".

"Then let's get this show on the road". Rody is and excellent pilot who looked really cool and confident as he maneuvered the small aircraft. The two laughed as they told stories about their families to pass the time. Pino spent her time perched on Midoriya's shoulder, every once in a while she would give Izuku a peck on the cheek.

"All right. We're almost there". The plane started to descend over a sandy beach with very few houses nearby.

"Umm. Rody. This looks like private property. We can't land here".

"Don't worry. I have connections Izuku". He landed the plane on a private strip and helped Midoriya get down. They walked over to a beautiful house overlooking the ocean. Rody tapped in the security code and held the door open for Izuku.

"Wow!" He said looking around the elegant home. "Who do you know to be able to stay here?".

"A friend of a friend who owes me a favor" he said wrapping his arms around Midoriya. "Let's go unpack and lets hit the town. The owner left me his car keys and said we could use it".

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