Shoto's Awakening

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Hopelessly oblivious Todoroki hears strange noises coming from Midoriya's room. In his hands he's carrying a large platter of cheese, fruit and crackers so the two can share while studying for their midterms coming up the following week. He looks at the platter thinking that Midoriya must have a bad stomach ache if he's moaning like that. Maybe he should come back later or open the door and check on his friend.

He decided to check up on Izuku. He would feel terrible if he let his friend suffer when he could have done something about it. "Oh god! Please!" he hears the greenette pleading for what Shoto thinks is a cry for help. Grabbing the handle, he bursts through the door, ready to aid Izuku's indigestion. What he sees leaves him feeling confused and very uncomfortable in his lower region for god knows what reason. (Shoto was very sheltered)

"What the fuck, Half-N-Half?!" Katsuki snarls, unable to cover their dicks since they had long kicked the sheets off the bed.

In the position Izuku and Katsuki were in, Shoto was able to get a good look at their joined bodies. Izuku had his legs pushed up against his ears, his hard cock laying against his abs. The blonde was fully sheathed inside Midoriya, sweat glistening on his rock hard abs.

Shoto tilts his head, staring at his naked classmates with curiosity. Placing the snacks on Izuku's desk he walks towards the two blushing boys, totally clueless that they are mortified at being caught in this position.

"Get the fuck out, Todoroki!" Katsuki finally finds his voice, he lets Izuku's legs go, but finds the greenettes legs pushed back up.

"Does that hurt, Midoriya?" he asked pointing at Izuku's filled hole. "Is that why you were moaning?".

"Sho" Izuku covers his face with his arms. Unable to look his friend in the eyes.

"Does it?" Shoto askes a little more forcefully.

"No, Sho, it feels good. I moaned because it feels really good".

"Bakugo's phallus looks rather large. Thicker than mine. Are you sure you are ok?" he asks frowning at Katsuki.

"He's fucking fine, Moron, now get the fuck out!".

"No, I want to watch. I need to make sure he's not being hurt by you, Bakugo" he tuts, grabbing Izuku's desk chair and scooting up close to observe.

"What the hell, Candy Cane?!". Katsuki is seething with anger, but at the same time, he wants to tease the innocent duel colored hero. Hell if he wants a show, Katsuki will give him one. Midoriya whimpers as Katsuki begins to move in and out slowly. Rolling his hips, emphasizing each thrust, giving Shoto a good look as his dick penetrates Izuku.

"You like watching me have sex with the nerd, Todoroki? You getting off on this, Perv?".

Shoto tilts his head again, his eyes furrowing with confusion "I thought only men and women can have sex".

Katsuki stops, his face saying What the Hell? "What the fuck do you think gay men do? Put together puzzles n shit?".

"I never really thought about it, but please continue. Midoriya looks upset that you stopped".

Katsuki smirks, releasing Izuku's legs, turning him around so the greenette is on his hands and knees. "Do you find Deku attractive?" Katsuki asks, grabbing Shoto and pulling him closer to the bed. Spreading Izuku's ass apart, he shows the nerds stretched hole. "I like to put my dick in there. It's warm, tight and feels good".

"Isn't that unsanitary?".

"Sho" Izuku's whole face turns a shade of red. "I clean myself really well before".

"What else do you do to each other?".

"Sho, how about we don't just tell you, but show you?" Izuku asks, looking over at Bakugo for confirmation. Katsuki smirks, his crimson eyes turning hungry.

"Show me?".

Izuku tugs at Shoto's shirt, lifting it up and off. Those two tones eyes nonplussed as his clothes were being removed. Nudity never bothered him. They had all seen each other naked many times in the locker room or bath house. But when Izuku's hands moved up his stomach firmly, his fingers cupping his pecks, pinching his nipples, is when he felt pleasure for the first time. He gasped, looking down at his nipples that are now standing erect.

He nearly jumped out of his skin when Izuku's soft lips took in one of the pink buds, sucking it gently. His body shivering when he felt Katsuki's warm hand wrapping around his manhood. Stroking it back and forth, using his thumb to glide around his sensitive tip.

"You like this don't ya, Candy Cane?" Katsuki asked huskily. "Izuku is going to take your cock in his mouth. It's called giving head. It feels amazing. He can take you all the way down his throat".

Shoto was about to ask another question when his mind went blank as warm heat enveloped his aching member. He looked down to see dark curls and sweet lips taking his penis in, deeper with each bob of his head, until Shoto could no longer see his staff. Izuku moaned, the vibrations were too much. Shoto's eyes widened, scared of the foreign feelings zinging down his spine. "What is...Izuku...ah!". He came for the first time. Pulling away, Shoto sat on the bed, crying from being overwhelmed by such pleasure. "I'm sorry" he sniffled "I didn't mean to pee in your mouth. I'm so embarrassed".

"Sho" Izuku said softly, taking Todoroki into his arms. "You didn't pee. You had an orgasm and what came out was semen not pee".

"You must think I'm so stupid" Shoto buried his face in his hands. "I don't know anything about this stuff".

"Tch. You're not stupid, Idiot. You just never had anybody to talk to about it. The nerd and I didn't know what the fuck we were doing at first either. Fuck, shitty Deku there had to research how to do it properly after I made him bleed because I shoved it in without prepping him first".

"Really?" Shoto peeked out from between his fingers.

"Really" Izuku replied, taking Shoto's hands away from his face.

"Are you two boyfriends? Is that why you have sex?".

"Yes, Sho. Kacchan and I are in love".

"Can....can, ummm".

"What is it Sho?".

"Is it only you two?".

"You asking to be our boyfriend, Horny Perv?".

"Kacchan!" Izuku scolded. "We need to talk about that in private, Sho. People don't usually have more than one boyfriend".

"Oh" Shoto looked down with disappointment. "I should get going. You can have the snacks I brought". He reached for his clothes only to be shoved back into bed, the blonde hovering over him.

"I don't know, Deku. I think we need to know what he can bring to the table before I can decide whether or not we let him into our relationship".

"Kacchan" Izuku purred, grabbing Shoto's legs and spreading them apart for the blonde. "You're right. I wanna watch those gorgeous eyes roll back in his head, that tight virgin hole dripping with your cum.

Shoto held on to Izuku's arms as Katsuki devoured his body. He didn't ever recognize the sounds he was making as the blonde thrust his dick inside his body. Shoto couldn't take his eyes off Katsuki's large member as it stretched him out, hitting a place inside he didn't even know existed. Shoto must have been placed in half a dozen positions, each lewder than the last. Shoto shrieked as he came hard for the third time. "I can't" he panted "No more".

Izuku curled up next to Shoto's sweaty body, tightly spooning him. Katsuki took the other side, pulling Todoroki up onto his chest.

"What do ya think, Shitty Nerd? Should we keep him?".

"I think we have to, Kacchan. You've ruined him for anybody else. You have to take responsibility".

The blonde smirked, satisfaction all over his handsome face "I guess I should".

The End.

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