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Izuku couldn't believe he had gotten into this mess. Of all the weird quirks, this person's is really frightening because of what can go wrong. While on patrol, Izuku crossed paths with a child who wasn't watching where he was going. The young one was too enraptured with his new Deku figurine, that he didn't realize he was about to collide with the real one.

To be fair, Izuku hadn't been paying attention either. Kacchan had flown by, his quirk blazing behind him as he chased after a purse snatcher. Izuku had called out to see if Bakugo needed back up, but got a very nasty "Fuck off, asshole" in reply.

Izuku chuckled, and was about to reprimand his friend when the air was knocked out of him. The next thing he remembered is opening his eyes and seeing that all the buildings and people are huge! Sneakers and high heels swish by his head as he tries to figure out what happened. He becomes even more distressed when he realizes he can't move! He tries to scream, move, use his quirk, but nothing. He is completely frozen.

"I'm so sorry, Hero Deku!" a young boy cries. Izuku's stomach drops as he's lifted up off the ground quickly. He comes face to face with a child with dark blue eyes, black hair and a long tail with a cute black tuft at the end. "I didn't mean to! You knocked me down! You're gonna be ok. I promise! I need to find someplace safe for you, but where?! I can't take you home, my mom will be so mad at me."

Izuku is held close to the child's body, as he weaves in and out of the crowds of pedestrians. "Mr. police officer, can you help me? Can you tell me where Hero Deku works?"

Izuku sees the police officer smile down to the child. "Is there something that I can help you with? Hero Deku is probably out on patrol."

"I...I have a present for him!" he chirped. "This." He held up the figurine, letting the officer take a closer look.

"That is as mighty find piece you have there. I'm sure Hero Deku would be honored to get this present."

The child smiled wide, hugging Deku closer to his body. "My mom is waiting to meet me at the train station, but I want to drop this off first."

"Well then, you're in luck. Hero Deku and Dynamite's agency is a block away. Stay on this side of the sidewalk. You can't miss it. It's the only building painted green and orange. It's bit tacky, but it sure stands out."

The child nodded, then disappeared in the crowd hustling quickly towards his destination. He needed Hero Deku to be somewhere safe. Somewhere will he won't be stolen or damaged. He began to cry at the thought of his favorite hero being hurt, or worse, because of him.

He looked up at the three story building, his hands were shaking from nerves. What if someone asked why he was there? They would call his mom and he'd get in trouble! But he couldn't just do nothing. He needed to be brave like Hero Deku and Dynamite. It was then that he realized who he could leave Hero Deku with. His hero partner Dynamite! Dynamite would take care of him.

The boy walked in to the busy agency and looked around. His eyes lit up when he saw his second favorite hero shucking off his gauntlets onto a desk. 'That must be Hero Dynamite's desk. Should I just give him the action figure or sneak it onto his desk?' He opted for the latter. He didn't want Hero Dynamite to come looking for him after Hero Deku returns to normal in the morning. 'I'll leave a note. I'll tell him to take good care of this gift.'

He walked over quickly, snatching a paper that looked important, but he didn't have time to find a blank sheet. As fast as he could he scribbled "He's very special to me. Please keep him safe." He gave the figurine one last watery smile and an I'm sorry, before running away from the agency.

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