Katsuki's Birthday Gift

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Katsuki scowled darkly as he watched his boyfriend talking to fans from across the room. The blonde hates coming to these fan events, but his boss says they are mandatory at least twice a year. This time Katsuki and Izuku had the opportunity to present at the same time. Usually their schedules don't match up.

Katsuki almost wished that it didn't this time either. Hanging around a bunch of shitty extras and crazy drooling fans is not how he wanted to spend his birthday. Katsuki nearly snarled when one fan put his hand down too close to his nerd's ass. He stormed over, quickly batting the hand away, pushing the fan back.

"Kacchan, why did you do that?!" Izuku blushed, apologizing to the fan.

"That asshole was trying to cop a feel, Deku," he snarled, his quirk popping in his hands. "That's right fucker, don't ever try and touch what's mine!"

"Kacchan!" Izuku's face glowed red when he noticed cameras pointing their way. "Keep it down."

"Don't tell me what to do, Nerd. Let's get this shit over with. There are a couple things I wanna do tonight, and this shit ain't it."

Izuku shook his head with exasperation, a fond smile graced his freckled face as he looked at the man he loves. In all truthfulness, Izuku doesn't want to be here either. It's his boyfriend's birthday and he too has sexy plans for the two of them.

One of the event staff clips microphones to their costumes, then checks to make sure the volume is perfect before having the two sit at the table for questions from their fans. As soon as they are seated, fans watch eagerly to hear if one of their questions gets picked for their favorite heroes to answer.

Izuku leans over, covering his mic "Kacchan, I know you want to go home, but please be on your best behavior. Our boss is watching."

"Tch. Whatever nerd. I'm just glad this show isn't for young shits. I hate kissing babies and wiping sticky sweets off my arms."

"That and your swears get you in trouble with the moms," Izuku snickered, looking out at the sold out concert hall. "Being in front of all these people is making me nervous."

"Just picture me naked and you'll be fine."

"Aren't I supposed to picture them naked?"

"Hell no! You ain't picturing anybody but me naked, Deku. Keep those gorgeous eyes on me only."

"Kacchan, you're so ridiculous. I wouldn't be picturing them for pervy reasons, just to calm my nerves. Picturing you naked will only rile me up more."

"Oh yeah? I get you hot under the collar, Nerd? Do I make your dick jump whenever I walk in the room?" Katsuki teased, as he leaned closer whispering those dirty words in his ear.

"Kacchan, stop it," Izuku whimpered, closing his legs to keep himself from getting hard in front of this huge crowd of fans.

"I'm glad they haven't turned the mics on yet, you two. Stop the dirty talk until you get home," Best Jeanist glowered at the two, his eyes warning them to keep it professional.

"Tch. Whatever."

Katsuki groaned as question after stupid question started giving him a headache. He was barely paying attention when a fan stood up and spoke to him. "Hero Dynamite, today is your birthday. Do you have any plans after this?"

"Just plowing the hell outta my nerd all night."


The hall when quiet then two seconds later exploded with laughter. "Well we can only expect Hero Dynamite to be nothing but direct," the event director chuckled. "Maybe we should end things there." The crowd booed, wanting the heroes to answer more questions.

"Kacchan, I can't believe you said that! I'm so embarrassed."

"Why? You know it's true, Deku. I can't wait to get these sexy thighs wrapped around my head, making them tremble while my tongue drives that sexy hole of yours crazy. Come here, Izuku. Let me have a little taste,"

"Kacchan, we can't do that here," Izuku stammered as he watched his boyfriend lock the dressing room door. "Can't we wait to do it at home?"

"I don't wanna, Deku. Shit, just looking at you turns me on. Take off those pants before I burn them off."

"You wouldn't dare." Izuku's eyes widened when Katsuki's palms started to glow near his suit. "Kacchan...I'm nervous."

"It's my fucking birthday, Nerd. Let me fuck this thick ass once while we're here. C'mon baby, be a good boy for me. Spread your legs and arch that back."

"Kacchan," Izuku whimpered while lowering his pants.

"That's it baby boy. Turn around and lay on the table. I wanna watch that innocent looking face turn into a cum drunk slut who begs me to fuck him harder."

Izuku was lost to pleasure. Soft mewls turned into loud shrieks as his skilled lover pounded him relentlessly. "Fuck, you feel so good, Baby. So damn perfect."

"Kacchan, I'm gonna cum! Right there, right there, don't stop!!!" Izuku arched his back, a choked sound is all he could make as he came hard.

"Fucking hell, Deku." Katsuki grunted, shaking as he spilled his seed inside his boyfriend. "Shit was fast, but felt fucking good. Let's get the hell outta here so I can spend the next several hours between your thighs."

"I can't move," Izuku groaned, his legs still spread. "My body feels like lead."

"I made you cum that hard, huh?" Katsuki smirked, slapping his boyfriend's ass. "Let me help you up."

The two would emerge looking fresh as though nothing lewd had happened at all. They ran face first into Best Jeanist, his eyes glowing with pure rage. He reached over and yanked a mic off of Katsuki's uniform.

"You two just couldn't keep it in your god damn pants!" he snarled "These were on the entire time! Not only did the audience hear you two fucking, but the entire world probably has too! Everyone was breaking out their phones to record you degenerates!"

Izuku wanted to disappear, never to be seen again, while Katsuki looked smug as hell.

"I'll leave this mess for later, right now I want to keep celebrating my birthday."

Happy Birthday, Katsuki Bakugo!

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