Everything Has Changed (2)

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Disclaimer: AU, MobWives! Wandanat x Reader, MobWives! KateYelena x Reader (Platonic), SecretRivalMob! Carol x Reader (brief)
CoffeeShopOwner! Reader /
TrustFundBaby! reader


I had fallen for them far before this whole ordeal, so actually having them so intimately has really fucked with my head.
I'd had always accepted that the limits of our relationship was bound to friendship, so my mistake was ever letting the first get together take place.

It's not all bad, some nights they're so far from aggressive with me. Like last night, I found them curled up on the couch watching a movie together, and I saw a take out container left for me. I sat down in the kitchen to eat it, but Wanda called for me to come watch whatever they were watching with them. For the first time in like seven months since we'd started hooking up it felt like I was more than just a quick fuck to them.

One thing led to another, and we found our way to the bedroom. They were gentle with me, and at one point when Wanda was knuckle deep in me, she lowly whispered an 'I love you' into my neck.
So now, all the lines have been crossed, and all boundaries were unset, leaving me in a constant state of confusion.

No matter what I feel for them, last night was the end for me. Now I just have to tell them that, and move on.

I make my way to leave the apartment, and I slightly heard the women yelling, leading me to assume Yelena called them with mob related business. Great, they'll be in a shit mood when I get back...

Wanda's POV

"Nat! Why'd you do that?" I shout at my wife, upset that she once again threw Y/N out of the bed as if she was just some random lay.

"Wanda, that was a set rule, and she keeps breaking it." My wife asserts

"It's a bullshit rule and you know it! She used to sleep with us all the time, and for your information I had her in a death grip. She stayed because she was exhausted, and also because I wanted her to stay. You're being too hard on her, and if you don't stop it she's going to fucking leave us."

The room falls silent as Natasha seems to really be processing what I'm saying.



"Do you really think she'd leave us?" She quietly asks me, suddenly sounding so small.

"Nat, this isn't anything close to what I assumed she imagined it to be like with us. To be honest, it's not what I expected either."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I feel like we've lost touch with what actually matters here, and just keep falling under the sheets with her. She's just so addicting, it's hard to focus on anything but worshiping her body... But, she looked so defeated when she left this morning. Do you think that's because of us? Did we really make her go from a happy, vibrant woman to this sad shell of one?" Nat asks me, sounding like she's on the verge of tears.

"Yeah, I think we did.." I whisper back, crying tears of my own at the thought that we possibly broke her.

"How did we even get here Wands? This was never in our plan."

"I don't know lyubov, I just know we have to fix it. I don't want to lose her..."


"Natty, are we ever going to address the obvious elephant in the room?" I ask my wife as we are getting ready for bed.

"What would that elephant be ?" She questions me, with an amused face.

"The obvious feelings we have for Y/N." I say, getting straight to the point.

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