Everything Comes at a Cost *WM**NR* (2)

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Wanda x Vision (Established)
Natasha x Reader ; Wanda x Reader
SMUT!!! 18+ !! Minors DNI! (Nat)
Fingering, Marking—Quickie

Wanda reluctantly lets you go before moving back to Vision's side, leaving you to lock eyes with the original redhead.

Natasha... The other half of your heart, who's had and cherished the most intimate parts of you, while in turn sharing the barest of hers with you.


"Natasha Romanoff, and you are?" The Avenger asks, as she hasn't been able to pull her eyes off of you since the moment you'd entered the Stark party with Thor.

"Y/N, Goddess of Healing, daughter of Freyr, and cousin to Thor." You greet, taking Natasha's extended hand and lifting it to your lips to place a tender kiss to her knuckles.

She giggles at your elongated introduction, and internally celebrates that you're in fact Thor's cousin, and not his date.

"Well, Y/N, would you like to heal my broken heart?" She jests with a playful laugh to follow, your features immediately soften, and your hands hover over her chest.

"Your heart is definitely in pain, my powers can't heal that though, but maybe a hug can." You offer, immediately pulling her into your warm embrace, and the former assassin shockingly melts into it.

She's never been one for physical affection with strangers, but something about your innocence, and pure intentions thwarts her bodies natural hesitancy.

"Would you like to dance with me?"

Your question follows after you release her, and she happily accepts your extended hand. Natasha spins you around, beaming at the sight of your carefree smile, and she wonders what could come of this if she wasn't so afraid. Sure, you're a stranger, but as every minute passed she found she wanted that to be a statement of the past.

A slow song began to play over the speakers, and Natasha then pulled you closer to her. Hands on your hips guided you until you were flush against her, her lips were ghosting over yours, suddenly her plans for you were clouded by insatiable desire, and her lips promptly pressed against yours.

She giggled at your awestruck face as she pulled back from you, her hand linked to yours before she pulled your innocent form off to her room, excitement flooded her system at the prospects of bringing a pretty thing such as yourself to ruin.

Getting to know you was becoming her favorite past time, picking up on the tiniest of your quirks. Like, how you had to fold your napkins in thirds, or the way you'd only eat a sandwich if it was cut into triangles, or finding out that you hated coffee and would only drink it with a "pound" of sugar in it.

Observing you from afar led her to finding out that you were a very expressive person. Much like Thor, you'd talked with your hands, the gentleness in your words, and the way your face moved always kept her attention. Intimate moments with you always had her immensely aroused when you'd released the simplest of sounds, or your face contorted in pleasure.

Cuddling was another thing you loved that she found through a bit more than observation. You did it with just about anyone in the compound, but the way you cuddled her was always special. Never once did she allude to you that she enjoyed it, but if she was ever willing to be honest with herself, she'd admit to you that being within your embrace is something she craves. That whenever she sees you laying with another it makes her insanely jealous, but she can't do that, she has no right.

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