Fall With Me *FP* 🥵

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Warnings: Feelings of hopelessness (lack of appetite), 'depression room,' rough break up, alluded to dysfunctional family. Insecurities.

Smut: SOFT!!!, Flo tops 🥵, Marking, Oral(R), Fingering(R/F), Specialty Vibe/Dildo (R). Heavy Praise. Thigh fixation if you squint. Squirting 💦.


A heavy sigh falls from your lips as you punch in your employee badge number, your head falling against the corresponding wall while you search for the energy to take yourself to the car for the insufferable drive home. This week, or better yet this year has been nothing short of treacherous, everything you once knew turned out to be a lie, and now everyday is a chore.

All you ever wanted was to be loved, and for the longest time you thought you were, but it turned out you were just an entity she was using to pass the time until something far more worthy of her love came along, and that hurt. To know you weren't ever going to be enough for the girl you were willing to move mountains for didn't really leave you in a great headspace. Add onto that the shitty nine to five, a family that's only purpose is to wreak chaos over your life, and best friends who are constantly out of town doing big dream things, and it's like the misery finds its home perfectly in your heart.

As they say, misery loves company, so here you are in the snack section of the local superstore, but the longer you stare at the selection of food the idea of eating starts to feel like a turn off. So you instead make your way over to the adult toy section in search of a turn on, finding a new device to hopefully bring meaning into your life once again, it even has little beads that rotate—the first exciting thing to enter your life in ages honestly, and if you were to let yourself think about that for too long it's a bit pathetic.

You settled your bags into the passenger seat of your junky car, a few miscellaneous candy bars that caught your eyes at the checkout floating around the bags will have to suffice for dinner tonight, then you drove off with thoughts of hijacking your cats peace with stories of your day, and forced cuddles... It's no wonder the poor little tabby has been staring longingly at the front door when you leave every morning.

Florence was across the world filming for Marvel when she got the good news that you were finally single again, she absolutely hated Lacy with her entire being, and was happy to see her go. Still, even though she hated her, she loved you too much to be that excited, and she did her very best over the past year to reach out to you from the unfavorable miles away, but it was never enough for her, or for you either.

Deep down the Brit knew you weren't doing well—she always did have a knack for that; your replies were far too short, the daily photos you used to send her of your good day stopped, then when your mutual friends recently told her they hadn't seen you in actual months she knew it was bad. She's used to your depressive patterns, having been around all this time, but that's just it, normally she'd be there for you, and it shatters her soul to know she wasn't.

Then last week she saw you'd actually shown up to Hailee's party via posted photos on Insta, and she cursed her agent for double booking her because when she saw your smile she knew it was simply masking a world of hurt. It was only confirmed when Hailee called her later with her own list of observed concerns, and she knew it was imperative that she fly back to you.

When she had entered your apartment this morning after watching you drive off she gasped, and shot her leg out to stop Toby from making his great escape., "You little bugger.," she'd muttered as she scooped the feline up., "I'm aware these aren't exactly ideal living situations, but let's not pretend you don't live a lavish life.," she continues while motioning to the actual palace structure you've set up for him in the corner of your apartment.

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